I have a problem with esphome in the part of led 2812b, before i update esphome it works fine but when i update esphome when compile fails to compile, i get error as shown in the picture, is there any solution?

I have a problem with esphome in the part of led 2812b, before i update esphome it works fine but when i update esphome when compile fails to compile, i get error as shown in the picture, is there any

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/led-drawingrom.yaml…

INFO Detected timezone ‘Asia/Bangkok’

Failed config

light.fastled_clockless: [source /config/esphome/led-drawingrom.yaml:39]

This feature requires framework version 2.7.4 or lower. Please see note on documentation for FastLED.

platform: fastled_clockless

chipset: WS2812B

pin: D1

num_leds: 4

rgb_order: BRG

name: LED DrawignRoom


Did you have a look at the documentations?
FastLED Light — ESPHome

Also, please limit your subject line.

@mitrejit have you found an solution? i need it too, have the same problem.

Did you check the docs like @Hellis81 suggested :question:

Just asking because the first thing you will see is a big fat red box which tells you why it is like it is and how you can work around this limitation :raised_hands:

Hola. He encontrado la solucion.

  • platform: neopixelbus
    type: GRB
    variant: WS2811
    pin: D3
    num_leds: 48
    name: “LED HABITACION 1”
    color_correct: [50%,50%,50%]
    Funciona OK

English only please.