I have current power value sensor, how can i get daily total of this sensor value, please guide

How were these sensors created?

Power is not measured in KWh, it is measured in W or kW.

Energy (total) is measured in Wh ot kWh.

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Thanks, fixed it, kindly guide how can i get total hourly and daily totals

Feed your power sensor to this to get an ever increasing energy sensor:

Make sure to read and understand the section about method. Hint: you probably want left.

Then feed that energy sensor to Utility Meter helpers to get hourly and daily sensors:

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Is there a way to set or preset the value of an integral sensor? I have two energy meters that I am currently using for measuring grid consumption and grid export energy. I have another device which is a power meters that measures grid consumption and grid export power. I have used the integral helper on these two meters to estimate energy and would like to use that to replace the existing energy meter. But before making the exchange, I would like to set the value of the new energy meters to match the old. I tried doing that with the statistics, but that only seems to work on historical values. I have looked for service tools, but haven’t found one that works on the integral helper.

For the Utility Meter helper, if the Net consumption option is left disabled, will the meter only respond to increasing values on the sensor input?

Yes that is correct.

I found a way to preset the value of an integer sensor. Used an if statement in a template to compare the integral sensor’s value with another sensor that I am trying to match, then depending the if statement result, select a different multiplier for the input of the integral function for it to catch up to the sensor I am trying to match. Another way would have been to add or subtract a value (the error amount) to the input of the integral function with a one shot.