I have HA installed on a virtual machine, switching to a Pi4 can't access the URL for the Pi4


Sorry if this is a novice problem, I haven’t done a project like this before, I am very new to this. :slight_smile:

I Installed Home Assistant via Oracle VirtualBox and the vdi file was “haos_ova-14.1.vdi” it works well, but I want to host home assistant on my Raspberry Pi 4.

The virtual machine home assistant IPv4 address for end0: and it works when the virtual machine session is active and I punch in:

I have Home assistant on the Pi through a wired connection and the IPv4 address for end0 is: but when I punch in I get " This site can’t be reached refused to connect."

I get the same when I input:
http://homeassistant.local:8123 or

When I use 4357 the observer says:

I have also “powered off” the Virtual box and still can’t access the Pi.

I haven’t done much with Home Assistant, so I don’t really care if I lose my dashboard and have to recreate it.

I feel like it would be a fairly easy fix (disabling the Virtual machine and setting up the Pi as a new system), but I am completely stumped.

thank you in advance!

I don’t have any experience installing HA on a Pi, but usually the “refused to connect” means that there is actual Ethernet connectivity to the device, but the server or application running on that device that is suppose to be listening in on a particular socket (in this case 8123) is not running and thus that socket is not actually open for listening. So my guess is that something went wrong with the install

I recommend following the tutorial for Pi installation, then before booting the PI create a backup on you virtual machine using the HA UI and download it to the PC.
Disable the virtual machine, power on the RPI with fresh installation and restore the backup you downloaded.
This is how i migrated from test virtual machine to RPI, also be patient because the initial setup on Pi took some time and i used RPI 5.

If you did this tho try doing it once again without running two instances of home assistant at once.

Thank you so much, I reinstalled and followed the tutorial and it is working now. Thank you!