I have two lovelace dashboards and would like to delete one

When starting out I created a second dashboard to help me learn. The primary dashboard now has nothing in it. Can I replace the lovelace file with the second dashboard file in /config/.storage? Is this the correct way to do it? Any direction appreciated.



The .storage files are not supposed to be user editable.

Are you using YAML mode or the GIU Lovelace editor?

Make the one you want to keep the default dashboard, you can do this through the UI top right settings menu I believe. Once the one you want to keep is made the default, then you have the option in the menu to delete the other one. I’d backup your keeper just in case. I hope this helps - I just did this recently. Couldn’t figure out why they’re wasn’t a delete button until I realized it won’t let you delete the default.

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GUI Lovelace

Edit 2:

reread your note and now I understand. Still very early here and brain is not functioning as well as I would like. I need to delete the default so that is why I was looking at moving files around.

I had two files lovelace and lovelace.lovelace_mydashbord in my .storage folder.

  1. I backed up both files.
  2. I went into configuration and made the original dashboard the default.
  3. I swapped names of the files in .storage.
  4. I rebooted my host from supervisor.

Everything came back and it works. This is one of those things you probably shouldn’t do but can do.

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