I know this sounds super crazy and I am seriously messed up. I just remove all the lines off configuration.yaml and now I can’t access the front end. Could someone help me fix this? I am dying here.
Do you have a snapshot to restore from?
it took a snapshot before updating. How do I access it though? Everytime I go the hassio ip - it says 404 not found.
Is the config on a SD Card? You could mount that in a live Linux system and recover the backup that way unless someone knows an easier way.
Isn‘t it possible to reach the configuration.yaml via terminal?
How do I do that? When I ssh via terminal is asking for a password.
Which operating system are you using?
My Home Assistant is running on Debian Buster so the path to my config directory is /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant
I’m using Home Assistant supervised on a raspberry Pi. I can confirm the home assistant is running as it also has HomeKit and Adguard which are working. Since I removed the config - I can’t access the front end.
Ok. Default login should be pi (user name) + raspberry (password).
If you’re really running Home Assistant OS, you can access your snapshots at /mnt/data/supervisor/backup
after logging in with “root” from the console (attach monitor/keyboard) and typing “login”.
How do I access this folder? Through?
I tried ssh to the raspberry pi running home assistant. It’s asking for a password. I tried leaving it blank, raspberry, root and the password used for the web UI. None of them work and not sure what’s the password.
Do what Rob advised: