I locked myself out of server

Do you know how to fix if I can’t access the server? No link is working (homeassistant.local:8123,…)???
I port forwarded port 443 to 8123 or something and then did config in HA editor for duck DNS. Next time I started the server none of links or IPs worked. I really don’t know what to do.

Firstly find Home Assistant ip address in router’s administration panel
Then try https://192.168…:8123 (your Home Assistant IP address)

Yo, it worked but why https not http? And do you know how to port forward with duck DNS?

You have set up duckdns addon, right? So you use ssl certificate now on your server
If you have forwarded 443 to 8123 then all incoming traffic via https protocol from ootside of your network will go to your Home Assistant server.
Simply said - just try https://your_domane_name.duckdns.org
You should get to Home Assistant if everything is ok

I have External Port Start and External Port End. So do I write 443 on both?

Yes you do

And when I do this I just reboot server?

actually you don’t need to, if the only change is port forwarding

Sooo I did everything and now I can access with duck dns my router settings and not HA. Hahhaha

that probably means that your port forwarding is incorrect
Did you set up your Home Assistant ip address in port forwarding settings?

It should be smth like this:
From ports 443 - 443
To Home Assistant ip address
ports 8123-8123

By the way, you can use another port like 8888 or 8123 instead of 443 and forward it again to Home Assistant
In that case you should access to Home Assistant with link like ‘https://your_domane_name.duckdns.org:8888’ (or 8123, depends on what port you choosed)

soo what now

So you still get to router’s settings, don’t you?
Try your link from outside of your network (with cellphone internet)
And what about that checkbox on your screenshot (up right)? Shouldn’t it be checked?

Upd. Oh, yeah, that’s nat loopback, you want that checked

Thanks for wasting your time on me. But it finally works. Thank you!

Happy to help
Have fun with Home Assistant

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