I’m in search of a unicorn … no neutral dimmer

Hi, do you have any recomandation for a no neutral dimmer …

It could be wifi or zigbee ( may be bluetooth if it’s compatible with home assistant )

Shelly can make the light able to be a dimmer
either Wifi or mqtt

But the wall switch is different. Lutron have a good new switch

do you have the exact model ?

inovelli has the new blue zigbee one that is no neutral. they are just about the ship, last i heard there was still some available.

GE-Jasco also has a no-neutral one as well.

What style of dimmer do you want?
EU or US or some other shape? Voltage?

Us 120v what ever the shape anyways he is gonna be alone on the wall

Not sure where you are located, so that is a big factor. In US, while expensive, the best is the Lutron Caseta. I have used them for 3+ years with no issues (you do need to select your LED bulbs carefully). I am rather confused about their recent offerings, I am not sure I understand them. Everything else I have experimented with has had far more ‘gotchas’. I pre-ordered some of the inovelli new zigbee devices, they ‘sound’ like they will be a really good solution, that said, since sending them my money, I have heard NOTHING from them… zip zero.

Good hunting!