Hello I need Help with mqtt topics and payload for a auto discovered mqtt thermostat.
I currently have a thermostat with 4 sensors one for each room “main bedroom, sons bedroom, living room and kitchen”,
I’m stuck with my thermostat, I cant use a climate card with my current set up HA is displaying the sensors and switch separately,
I am currently working in building individual thermostats but on the mean time I’m trying to simulate one with node red and posting the topics and payloads to my mqtt broker,
so that I can create the proper mqtt topics,
at the moment my climate entity displays the current temperature and I can turn the mode between heat and off locally on the entity or remotely via node red and mqtt client,
1st issue is the rotary dial on the entity updates the mqtt broker but it wont reacts to remote updates, also wend I move it past ambient temperature nothing happens I assume I need a switch entity linked to the thermostat.
I can`t find that type of entity on the mqtt climate integration,
that’s my second issue, how do I add a switch to my thermostat?
A climate entity should have a mode select “off,heat , cool, fan” to select how you what the device should do,
and a power setting to actually “in my case” turn the heat on and off around the set point.
the mqtt integration is a bit useless in respect to mqtt topics and payloads,
it addresses HA side of the things “YAMEL” but says next to nothing about the required mqtt topic tree itself.
for example for discovery its needed a config topic in my case I am using the topic (“homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/config”) with the following parameters
"unique_id": "LivingRoomThermostat170224",
"name": "LivingRoomThermostat",
"device_class": "climate",
"modes": ["off", "heat"],
"precision": 0.1,
"mode_command_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/mode/set",
"mode_state_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/status/mode",
"temperature_command_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/temperature/set",
"current_temperature_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/status/sensor",
"state_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/status",
"availability_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/status/LWT",
"payload_available": "Online",
"payload_not_available": "Offline",
"power_command_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/power/set",
"power_state_topic": "homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/status/power",
"payload_on": "ON",
"payload_off": "OFF"
I need the correct mqtt topics to enable a climate switch to be auto discovered by HA on my thermostat, entity (“homeassistant/climate/LivingRoomThermostat/”).
these are the topics I created in node red so far, I can add the JSON flow if anyone is interested.