I made a crappy Nest Thermostat integration that will work as a stopgap until alternatives come out

Wow! It’s working. Thank you very much!!!

It’s find my 2 thermostats and smock detectors but didn’t find cameras and Nest Alarm

(cookies do not always start with OCAK anymore)

I’ve been running the forked version successfully with my Nest protects, thermostat, and Hello front door cam for most of this year, but I just now realized I don’t see a motion detection sensor for the front door cam. Unlike the Protects which produce a ton of different sensors, the entity camera.front_door apparently only has 1 supported feature per developer tools, and no ability to see whether motion has been detected or not. It merely has a current state of ‘recording’ 24/7. Am I possibly missing something in my config yaml? Or is there no ability to extract motion detection from the nest camera entity? Seeing live video of the camera is cool and all but let’s be honest I need it for as a trigger for more automations!

Do you see smooth video from your Nest Hello Doorbell? Is that a function of the specific fork you are using? Mine was 3 seconds snapshots. I am also still on nest account to keep person detection with works with nest.

Hi there, I’ve been trying for hours to get Badnest up and I think I’m close. Keep getting “Invalid config” and the logs are telling me this:

 Log Details (ERROR)
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: custom_components/badnest/api.py:389
First occurred: 1:12:52 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:12:52 AM

Error during setup of component badnest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py", line 191, in _async_setup_component
    result = await task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/badnest/__init__.py", line 32, in setup
    'api': NestAPI(
  File "/config/custom_components/badnest/api.py", line 116, in __init__
  File "/config/custom_components/badnest/api.py", line 67, in wrapper
    func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/badnest/api.py", line 389, in update
KeyError: 'where_id'

Any ideas?

Thanks so much.

Hi I am getting cookie as below and not able to identify the starting point.

cookie: __Secure-3PAPISID=oRwksa-GPdqpvIpt/AX0JTItOZRq2GKsbt; __Secure-3PSID=zwe79btXmBF22-**************************

Last time I tried, my entire HA setup crashed and have to rebuild everything from scratch.As you mentioned there is no OCAK in the string, could please help? Thanks

Everything after "cookie: ". Mine was similar.

As you suggested I placed full cookie string, it is working. I got access to Nest thermostat, smoke detector and camera. No access to camera motion sensor, rest all working fine. Thank you for prompt reply.

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I have tried everything. I can not get my Nest Thermostat E to ever show up. Not sure what the issue could be. I have verified the login info, I have removed and re-added my Nest, nothing seems to work…

What is the frequency that everyone is seeing in terms of having to update the cookie?

I had to update mine last night and it worked for all of 15 minutes…

hi there, i was using badnest nicely for like 3-4 months
but i added 3 more thermostats to existing 2. and i guess i got cookie change or something.
it started to give error in log
KeyError: 'access_token'
Okay i thought, lets make a new cookie and token, and i did, and still getting same error.

I found my mistake

nest_cookie: __Secure-3PSID=0gdWEG7_MFucS

Cookie should start from that __secure line

it was 3-4 months until i added more devices

with the cookie starting with _Secure

I have to make the manual everyday or multiple times a day…lol not worth it.

Does anyone know how to make the sensor temperature display without that .9999 degree? Just 25.8 or something

I must be missing something. Nothing I do will get this to work, although it could be Google changed something. I even set up a VM with Chrome to be absolutely sure I wasn’t using any cache and was signing in fresh with my account. I see this show in the log every time: KeyError: ‘where_id’

Oh well. I only have a couple of Nest Protects left anyway. When Google took over and killed the “Works with Nest” we were starting an HVAC upgrade and I went with Ecobees instead.

So, I managed four months and a few weeks before I needed to update with a new cookie. Have taken the new __Secure- line from Dev Tools and updated my config and all seems to be good once again. :crossed_fingers:t2: Hopefully this cookie lasts as long or longer.

You sir, are a hero! The thermostat E indeed works for me as well via hoobs.
I already had HA running on a pi with HassOS, so I used another pi to host hoobs on and it worked.

Thank you for this advice!

Thanks. You can also install HOOBS on the same PI as Home Assistant. It’s not using a lot of resources.

Works pretty good on my brother’s PI4 4 GB. Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 And Supervised install.

Ok, I’m seeing it is not a problem of having to renew the cookie often.

But somehow my thermostats are not refreshing the temperature or loses connection after an hour. If I restart the homeassistant altogether, the connection is back on without refreshing the cookie.

Anyone having this issue?

After one month searching this is the best solution!

  1. Install HOOBS in the same PI using Portainer + Dockers
  2. Install Nest pluging on HOOBS and follow steps to configure it!
  3. Add the Homekit integratión to yours configuration.yaml file
  1. Restart HA
  2. Configure your new Homekit integration
  3. Profit!


Is it possible to set Nest to away using this integration, or @rubenlopez77 can you do it using the HOOBS mechanism?