I made a crappy Nest Thermostat integration that will work as a stopgap until alternatives come out

You’re welcome @Sym0nd0, glad you found it helpful I really did very little, the bulk of the work was from others and I just curated it.


I’ve been using this repo: https://github.com/USA-RedDragon/badnest for a while now, and it does not exist anymore. I guess I’ll switch to the other (Matts) repo :blush:.

How can we uninstall this integration ? In HACS cant uninstall because it says that is no repositories.

It never was official HACS integration if i’m not mistaken so you should be able to just delete the url from custom repositories, delete the path from resources and delete the folder from custom_components.


Apparently there is work being done on a new official Nest API integration for 0.117:

Other noteworthy changes
[…] New Nest API support. Minimal, no thermostat yet. But, there is a base now, which will be extended the upcoming releases.


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I hope that our Nest Protect will be officially intergrated in that HA realease :crossed_fingers:

The new Nest API apparently does not include the Protect (thermostat/cameras only) so you will have to stick with badnest for now.

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Been stuck the last few days with the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/events.py:81
First occurred: 6:13:48 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:13:48 PM

Setup of badnest is taking over 10 seconds.

I’ve followed the steps above. The badnest folder was copied to the custom_components directory. I grabbed the token and cookie multiple times and added it into the configuration.yaml. Currently unable to see any nest components I have connected (2 cameras, 1 doorbell, 1 thermostat). Any idea what else to check for on this?

Same issue here. It has been a warmer couple of days and haven’t need to adjust the heating. The actual Thermostat panel isn’t showing any errors so never noticed it. Checking the homebridge logs and it shows this:

Source: helpers/entity_platform.py:600 
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 31 October 2020, 12:44:30 (3959 occurrences) 
Last logged: 8:16:50

Updating badnest climate took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10

It only started 12:44 yesterday so no idea what caused it. I am using RedDragons repo which up until now had shown no issues even though its now been deleted from github. @StimpyGator are you running RedDragon or TheMattS repo? I was only going to switch if i was having issues, and this is a good enough reason if any.

Edit: I just noticed that TheMattS repo doesnt seem provide capability for Nest accounts and only Google accounts, so may be out of luck for now.

Edit2: Fixed issue… There was a hotfix for HACS that i installed and following a restart its working perfectly again.

I’m using the MattS repo. I just tried setting this up and have never gotten anything to work yet with badnest. The only error I see every time is the one I posted above about taking over 10 seconds.

I just updated HACS and HA but still same result.

Are you using Chrome to check the cookies? or another browser?

For some reason, Firefox can no longer retrieve the correct cookie. I had to install Chrome JUST for this to work…

I’m using chrome. I did the exercise of grabbing the token and cookie 3 separate times just to make sure I didn’t make a mistake in the process somewhere. Same result each time.

I’m using duckdns and two factor authentication. Not sure if that has any impact on the configurations needed.

I wrote a appdaemon script to interface the NEST thermostats with HASS. You can find it here:

I have not thoroughly debugged it, and I am sure it is not highly professional. It has a limitation in the lovelace interface, but works otherwise.

FWIW I had the same github issue (repo appeared to be deleted); updating to the latest version of HASS Core and HACS got me working again, though I had to go through the process to re-grab my cookie since it had expired.

Can anyone tell me, i got one of 2 thermostats dissapear by some reason’

i reinstalled badnes, regened a cookie.

but the same, other themostats work and one is not showing up

why did the author dump the integration?
any new integration is out there?

More good news about the “official” Nest integration guys. There’s a lot of great work done by @allenporter on bringing Google SDM back into the Nest integration. By the looks of it the next version (0.118) will ship with support for Camera, Climate and Sensor.

More info about it on the RC docs for the upcoming 0.118: https://rc.home-assistant.io/integrations/nest/

There is currently a $5 (US) one-time fee you’ll have to throw at Google to be able to use the API though. Principles aside, that’s not too much money for what we’ll get back from it.

If it’ll be more stable than having to refresh my token/cookie manually every week or so, I’ll be a happy camper and wave goodbye to this crappy Nest Thermostat integration (not my words).


I wonder if the new integration will be better option than homebridge-nest combo. I don’t see NestProtect support unfortunately so i guess i’ll stick to the combo for a bit longer.

@denveronly yep, native Google integration.
If your interested, I updated instructions today on how to get it working:

Hi Ruben,

Is it possible to have your installation process ?
I have a Pi3 with Hassio and I want to connect to my Nest device.

Best regards.