after first successfully trying to use a mysensors implementation of Lyn3x „Roode“ to count people coming in and out oof a room i wrote my own sketch for an esp8266. then i thought that this should be also possible to do with the awesome ESPhome platform. it turns out: it is possible. it just a little hacky, since two libraries and an .h file need to be included, but it compiles and worked reliable for a couple of weeks now.
here are the include and configuration files needed:
i’m sure there are better ways to include the libraries, i did not find any though. happy to receive ideas for improvement.
Hi, aren’t you considering doing it as a component to esphome natively? Alternatively, could you please advise how to get it into the esphome? I’d like to make it a stair launcher. Thank you.
i’m not a programmer, which is the main reason that it’s not going to happen, that i write a native vl53l1x component thats working as a people counter. the other reason is, that theres no real incentive for doing that; the slightly hacky esphome setup that i documented in my repo is working really fine.
however, someone raised an issue here
that linked to an alternative algorithm that doesn’t require the proximity gesture library, which makes my custom implementation a bit easier. i have a working setup and prototype at home that seems to work much more reliable than the gesture detection. i’ll do some more testing and then update my repo with the simplified code on the basis of this idea.
Thanks for the reply. I’m also not a programmer and I’ve been playing with Home Assistant for a few months. I admit that I have no idea how to get your code into esphome. Could you please write the points so what and where to move? Thank you.
Is there a way to alter the distance(or percentage) an object is declared as entry or not?
I’ve found I’m consistently recognised by the counter, but the wife is not. I’m 1.93m and the wife 1.73. As I’ve read around, the default is about 80%, which makes sense, but I haven’t found anywhere how to alter that. I’m talking about the tof_people_counter
please help me when i make on esp8266
then this error occurs but when i do it on esp32
works perfect
according to file klo.yaml
I guess it’s because the config file is supporting esp32
not esp8266
Can someone help me fix the esp8266?
Print the file included from /data/toilet_smart/.piolibdeps/toilet_smart/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/src/SPIFFSEditor.cpp:1:0:
/data/toilet_smart/.piolibdeps/toilet_smart/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/src/SPIFFSEditor.h:16:101: warning: ‘SPIFFS’ is deprecated (declared at /root/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/cores/esp8266/ FS.h:269): SPIFFS has been deprecated. Please consider moving to LittleFS or other filesystems. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
SPIFFSEditor(const String& username=String(), const String& password=String(), const fs::FS& fs=SPIFFS);
So, does anyone use this one? I use it but I find that the “beam” of the sensor is too narrow. The width of my doors is around 70-80cm and if I put it on the center at the top, it doesn’t consistently mark entry or exit due to someone entering on the side, whereas if I put it on the side, if someone comes from the other side, same thing. And this seems if not the best, one of the top (for me)methods to calculate actual people on a room.
Hmmm that’s weird. If I put mine on the side, it doesn’t detect me when passing. I thought it had to do with “seeing” the other side of the door at a close distance. If I put it on top of the door, it detects me only if I pass directly below it.
I’ll check again what’s going on