Ok, so Wink doesn’t support my favorite switch/bulb brand TP-Link. But, I was able to make ANY light/switch brand you have added in home assistant work on relay.
alias: Turn on lights when relay button pressed
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.wink_relays_bottom_button
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
service_template: homeassistant.{% if is_state('light.Window', 'off') %}turn_on{% else %}turn_off{% endif %}
entity_id: group.lights
Automation is monitoring wink relay button being pressed, if so it is checking if light.window is on. If it is turn everything off, otherwise turn everything on.
This creates a toggle of all the lights in “group.lights”. I have combined switches and bulbs in that group and they all work great.