I monitor my Pi's in Home-Assistant with Glances

I know there is a integration for this, but it is not showing uptime and processes ect., so i set up with REST-sensors and TEMPLATE sensors and made this in lovelace, I think it looks good.

I wrote about it here (YAML included):


Thanks for the share, I’m following your tutorial on your blog but I’m confused how to add Lovelace code in my own HA. Am I supposed to copy/paste the whole Lovelace code in my Lovelace yaml file ? as it creates some duplicate keys :frowning:
Thanks :wink:

Try paste as manual vare in lovelace gui:)

Ah thanks had missed that element :smiley: Have pasted code and now it starts to work but I have to adapt the rest sensors for my computer configuration :wink:

Good :slight_smile: Just change IP, and replace “SERVER”/“server” with the name of our server ect.

Yep adapted configuration for my laptop (test with that computer) and here is result:


Going to do the same with all my servers to keep easily an eye on all of them :wink:

Thanks again for that nice trick :wink:

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Firstly, thank you so much for this, I’ve been trying to monitor other Pi’s stats with no success and this worked perfectly.

I’ve run into an issue. I first setup the Pi last month which works flawlessly and now I’m only just setting up another install but I can’t even install glances. I’m running Python3, latest. I’ve installed Pip for 2 and 3 but always get this error. Any idea’s?

I honestly can’t remember if I installed any other dependencies to get it working but this time I installed psutil but still the same error. Should this work with Python3 or do I need 2? sorry for all the questions

I think it may be Bullseye. Well, that was some chasing my tail. It appears glances does not currently work with the new OS. Will update tomorrow. Thanks

PI 4 with bullseye and python 3.9 here…
did you try to install via pip3 instead of downloading the install script with curl?
pip3 install glances
for the web interface I also had to install the “bottle”-package with pip3


I did. Any pip install throws up errors. Forgot what I tried now but multiple ways and couldn’t get it to work. Then read Glances doesn’t work with Bulleye

I redid everything with Buster and all went as smooth as before, thanks again!

Think I’ll try on another sd card with Bullseye at somepoint.

how can I install glances in Home Assistant OS?

You don’t have to install anything: it is a standard lovelace card

Well, that is not the same, Glances is a software to report system resources, Glance (card) is a way to view sensors.

But the Glance card can show data from Glances

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Sorry my mistake, thought that it might have been a language issue…