I need help comparing value of text_sensor to string in lambda

Hi there!

I’m pretty new to HA and ESPHome and I’m in the process to building a small e-ink dashboard where I want to display room temperatures and have a little icon shown if any of the radiatior thermostats are set to “heat”.
For that purpose I have bought some cheap Hama smart radiatior thermostats. I can see them in HA and they seem to work fine.

I have not yet managed to get any detailed attributes from the thermostat integration in HA, so I cannot set up any sort if binary sensor. But I have also managed to read out their state (which is either “heat” or “off”) from a text_sensor (see image).
Is there a way to do a if condition that compares the value like this for example?

if (id(humidity_bedroom).state.cr_str() === "heat")) {
  it.printf(x, y, id(font_icons_tiny), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ICON_fire);

The full code of my YAML is the following:

  run_time: 1min
  sleep_time: 20min

  name: lilygo-1
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Lilygo-1 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


# Enable logging

  clk_pin: 18
  mosi_pin: 23

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature
    id: temp_bedroom
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature_2
    id: temp_livingroom
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_humidity
    id: humidity_bedroom
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_humidity_2
    id: humidity_livingroom
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.energieverbrauch_total
    id: energie_tagesgesamt
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.thermostat_wohnzimmer_thermostat
    id: thermostat_wohnzimmer
    on_value: # Actions to perform once data for the last sensor has been received
        - script.execute: all_data_received

  # sun/moon
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.thermostat_wohnzimmer_thermostat
    id: thermostat
    internal: true

  - id: all_data_received
      - component.update: t5_display

  - file: "gfonts://Roboto"
    id: roboto
    size: 15
  - file: "gfonts://Roboto"
    id: roboto_medium
    size: 12
  - file: "gfonts://Roboto"
    id: roboto_small
    size: 9
  - file: "fonts/Context Ultra Condensed SSi Ultra Condensed.ttf"
    id: context_big
    size: 32

  # material UI icons - from https://pictogrammers.github.io/@mdi/font/5.3.45/
  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_icons
    size: 130
      - "\U000F0594" # clear-night
      - "\U000F0590" # cloudy
      - "\U000F0591" # fog
      - "\U000F0592" # hail
      - "\U000F0593" # lightning
      - "\U000F067E" # lightning-rainy
      - "\U000F0F31" # night-partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0595" # partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0596" # pouring
      - "\U000F0597" # rainy
      - "\U000F0F36" # snowy
      - "\U000F067F" # snowy-rainy
      - "\U000F0599" # sunny
      - "\U000F059D" # windy
      - "\U000F059E" # windy-variant
      - "\U000F0F38" # exceptional
  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_icons_small
    size: 24
      # weather
      - "\U000F0594" # clear-night
      - "\U000F0590" # cloudy
      - "\U000F0591" # fog
      - "\U000F0592" # hail
      - "\U000F0593" # lightning
      - "\U000F067E" # lightning-rainy
      - "\U000F0F31" # night-partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0595" # partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0596" # pouring
      - "\U000F0597" # rainy
      - "\U000F0F36" # snowy
      - "\U000F067F" # snowy-rainy
      - "\U000F0599" # sunny
      - "\U000F059D" # windy
      - "\U000F059E" # windy-variant
      - "\U000F0F38" # exceptional
      - "\U000F054B" # umbrella
      - "\U000F0238" # fire
      # moon phases
      - "\U000F0F61" # moon-first-quarter
      - "\U000F0F62" # moon-full
      - "\U000F0F63" # moon-last-quarter
      - "\U000F0F64" # moon-new
      - "\U000F0F65" # moon-waning-crescent
      - "\U000F0F66" # moon-waning-gibbous
      - "\U000F0F67" # moon-waxing-crescent
      - "\U000F0F68" # moon-waxing-gibbous
      # other icons
      - "\U000F10C2" # Temperature High
      - "\U000F10C3" # Temperature Low
      - "\U000F02E3" # Bed
      - "\U000F04B9" # sofa
      - "\U000F09A0" # shower
      - "\U000F00ED" # calendar
      - "\U000F104D" # cottage
      - "\U000F06D9" # garage
      - "\U000F06A1" # terrace
      - "\U000F19A3" # mainentance
      - "\U000F140B" # energy
      # battery
      - "\U000F008E" # bat empty
      - "\U000F007A" # bat 10
      - "\U000F007B" # bat 20
      - "\U000F007C" # bat 30
      - "\U000F007D" # bat 40
      - "\U000F007E" # bat 50
      - "\U000F007F" # bat 60
      - "\U000F0080" # bat 70
      - "\U000F0081" # bat 80
      - "\U000F0082" # bat 90
      - "\U000F0079" # bat 100

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_icons_tiny
    size: 18
      - "\U000F005E" # arrow-up-thick
      - "\U000F0046" # arrow-down-thick
      - "\U000F0238" # fire

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    id: t5_display
    cs_pin: 5
    dc_pin: 17
    busy_pin: 4
    reset_pin: 16
    model: 2.90inv2
    # update_interval: 1min
    update_interval: never
    full_update_every: 1
    rotation: 90
    lambda: |-
      // icon constants
      #define ICON_temp_high        "\U000F10C2"
      #define ICON_temp_low         "\U000F10C3"
      #define ICON_umbrella         "\U000F054B"
      #define ICON_sofa             "\U000F04B9"
      #define ICON_bed              "\U000F02E3"
      #define ICON_shower           "\U000F09A0"
      #define ICON_up               "\U000F005E"
      #define ICON_down             "\U000F0046"
      #define ICON_sun              "\U000F0599"
      #define ICON_calendar         "\U000F00ED"
      #define ICON_cottage          "\U000F104D"
      #define ICON_garage           "\U000F06D9"
      #define ICON_terrace          "\U000F06A1"
      #define ICON_maintenance      "\U000F19A3"
      #define ICON_fire             "\U000F0238"
      #define ICON_energy           "\U000F140B"

      // positioning constants
      #define xRes 256
      #define yRes 128
      #define xCenter (xRes/2 + 60) // X position center
      #define pad 10
      #define celsiusSuperscript 5
      #define rowHeight 24
      #define temperatureCol 65
      #define humidityCol 100
      #define heaterCol 115
      #define weatherCol 120
      #define weatherTempCorr 15

      // Test positioning constants
      #define xTopLeft -15
      #define yTopLeft 0
      #define xTopRight 256
      #define yTopRight 0
      #define xLowerLeft 0
      #define yLowerLeft 128
      #define xLowerRight 256
      #define yLowerRight 128

      // helper variables
      int y = 0;
      // Temperature Living Room
      y = 60;
      it.printf(pad, y, id(font_icons_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ICON_sofa);
      if (!isnan(id(temp_livingroom).state)) {
        it.printf(temperatureCol, y, id(roboto), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.1f", id(temp_livingroom).state);
        it.printf(temperatureCol, y - celsiusSuperscript, id(roboto_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "°C");
      if (!isnan(id(humidity_livingroom).state)) {
        it.printf(humidityCol, y, id(roboto_medium), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.0f", id(humidity_livingroom).state);
        it.printf(humidityCol, y, id(roboto_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%%");

      it.printf(heaterCol, y, id(roboto_medium), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, id(thermostat).state.c_str());

      // Show fire symbol when heater is on     
      // it.printf(heaterCol, y, id(font_icons_tiny), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ICON_fire);
      // Temperature Bedroom
      y += rowHeight;
      it.printf(pad, y, id(font_icons_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ICON_bed);
      if (!isnan(id(temp_bedroom).state)) {
        it.printf(temperatureCol, y, id(roboto), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.1f", id(temp_bedroom).state);
        it.printf(temperatureCol, y - celsiusSuperscript, id(roboto_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "°C");
      if (!isnan(id(humidity_bedroom).state)) {
        it.printf(humidityCol, y, id(roboto_medium), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.0f", id(humidity_bedroom).state);
        it.printf(humidityCol, y, id(roboto_small), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%%");

I finally managed to find a solution, if anyone is interested :smiley:

if (strcmp(id(thermostat).state.c_str(), "heat") == 0) {
  it.printf(x, y, id(font_icons_tiny), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, ICON_fire);

I think you should be able to do the string compare like in my example below. Perhaps neater.

But if you’ve got something working then that’s great.

   //Show sit or stand icon from position category.
          if (id(desky_current_sit_stand_position).state == "Sitting") {
            it.print(left_offset_1, 4*(it.get_height() / num_icons) + top_offset_1 + (3 * vertical_padding), id(matdes11), TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "\U000F05E0");
          } else {
            it.print(left_offset_1, 4*(it.get_height() / num_icons) + top_offset_1 + (3 * vertical_padding), id(matdes11), TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "\U000F073A");