I need help setting up HA

Is there anyone on here who knows their way around the current release, in Victoria, Australia?
I’m not getting anywhere!
I can’t find answers in videos or any documentation that allows me to get anywhere useful.
Firstly, my installation (on a Pi4 4MB) is only reachable with the IP number on port 8123, not by typing homassistant:8123 or homassistant.local:8123 - that wasted about 2 evenings to get anything on the screen.
Secondly, I managed to integrate my Tuya stuff from the Tuya app into HA, but only some of it. The scenes there didn’t transfer. I tried recreating them in HA as automations and as scenes, but neither worked nor found my devices or entities the way the instructions showed.
Thirdly, I managed to install SMB and access the SD card (I think) on my Pi4 , but it could be the onboard space - I can’t tell.
There are directories like config etc as expected, but no .yaml files that the documentation talks about. When I try to follow instructions to edit the relevant .yaml files for anything, HA tells me there aren’t there…
Extremely frustrating when none of the instructions steps given for anything don’t have the same labels, layout or locations are the same.
I can only imagine that all the instructions I can find are for older versions that of course I’ve never seen.
So I’m looking for someone I can call or visit to get me on the right track.

I’ve easily been able to set up what I wanted on the Tuya app, the Sonoff app, the GEA app and the Grid Connect app, even Google home.
I’ve come to HA to combine everything in one much better and local software.


I assume you have tried reading the docs rather than relying on videos?

Tuya scenes, apparently show up as scenes automatically, see this.

This will take you through the latest way to create scenes.

You may need to set advance mode in your user profile.

Thanks Arh.
I’m a read-to-learn person. Videos occasionally explain things I don’t get, otherwise I prefer text and diagrams.
I followed the instructions on the page you linked to get my Tuya stuff to integrate. Scenes didn’t integrate. And the “add to My HA” button isn’t anywhere on any of my pages…
This is what frustrates me: the instructions are nice and straightforward, but refer to stuff I can’t find.
This is my scenes.yaml file. Although I added the entities I want to read from (temp sensor) and the functions I want set on the AC…
The instructions on how to edit scenes completely lost me: my configuration.yaml file has nothing useful in it. It has some includes of files which are empty in my directory, for example.
The whole file tree looks like nothing has been written by HA that is referenced in the documentation…

This is the entire roof folder here.

Look at the file sizes here.

This is my unhelpful config file

Lastly, yes, I have changed my status to advanced - although I feel far from it…

Almost every topic in the documentation leaves me not finding what it’s referring to. Almost like it’s missing stuff in between paragraphs.
That’s why I was hoping to find a mentor in Victoria Australia…
Doing this by “correspondence” will take a very long time and lots and lots of typing at both ends…

Your screenshots show exactly should be seen when browsing the shared directories.

Can you describe what it is you are expecting to see? A specific example?

Thanks cogneato for reading my post.
I expected to find some code in one or more of the .yaml files about my devices and their configurations, my sensors, my automations or scenes, my HA configuration - just like the documentation shows. But there is as good as nothing in any of the .yaml files e g. my automations file just contains just 2 square brackets… despite my many attempts at creating a new one and “saving” them…

I had another good look in HA and the documentation. I see that the documentation says: ”Scenes created in the Tuya app will automatically appear in the Scenes list in Home Assistant the next time the integration updates."
Only the names of my scenes are there - no functionality, other than manually activating their output device. No triggers or parameters are shown.
I just tried once more to create a new automation and a new scene to duplicate one of the missing ones.
The devices I want to use (temp & humidity sensor with built-in IR bridge and the air conditioner) were listed in the drop-down list of recognised devices but the entities for temperature & humidity are not. Neither are the actual functions of the air conditioner (mode, temp, fan speed etc).
I have no idea where to from here…

I think you may be confusing scenes with automations. Scenes do not have triggers, scenes are, for example a bunch of lights that are set to go on or off when a scene is activated. An automation will be triggered by an event, and then activate a device or entity.

This is the directory tree I expected, but it’s largely empty…
Shouldn’t there be files for scenes or automation or addins or scripts or dashboards or cards?

As for other instruction issue examples:
I have downloaded a .js file for a very nice power flow card plus dashboard discussed here elsewhere.
The instructions recommend getting the HACS addin. So I did. But there are no instructions how to access it in HA.
So tried the manual install route. It says “copy it to your /config/www folder” easy! Except there isn’t one (as you can see in my screenshot).
Where do I put then? How do I execute it on the Pi4 inside HA and where will I find it displayed?
What am I missing? Or what sentences are missing from the instructions? “If it’s not there, create the www subdirectory” maybe? That didn’t do anything either…
Are there maybe Linux things I need to know before using HA (directory and file and execution permissions, for example)?
I’ve been an IT guy and have a grad cert in computing and diploma in IT and started with computers in the early 80s - so not dumb or ignorant. But this HA has me stumped…

Only confused by the variations of terms between apps.
I tried automations - which show none, not even the scenes in from the Tuya app.
I got exactly the same result there as in my desperate attempt to create a scene instead.
As a new automation, I find the Temp& humidity &IR bridge device and set the temperature sensor entity to >26.5°C as the trigger.
Then I set it as the “Then do” device and it gives me “no actions”. If I choose the AC, same thing: “No actions”…
If I try to save it at this point, I get the error message that the " message is malformed"…that’s reasons because the action is missing.
Stuck …

You will get a lot more help if you post the yaml code we can then understand what you are saying and how you are trying to do it.

As a best guess your trigger will only trigger if the sensor goes from below to above the temperature you set.

you need to trigger on state change of temperature entity, then condition on above a set temperature, the action the entity you want to turn on.

What .yaml code are you requesting?
What’s the full name of the file and in which folder would I find it?
The scenes.yaml code screenshot is a couple of messages further up.
It shows nothing helpful at all…

You can see from the folder screenshot that the automation.yaml file is 2 bytes long (2 square brackets)…

So - like the documentation - I don’t understand your advice.

How do I follow your advice ”you need to trigger on state change of temperature entity, then condition on above a set temperature, the action the entity you want to turn on."?
That makes sense to me if course.
If you could show me a screenshot or give me information as to where and how to do that, I’ll follow it gladly!
This is where it all comes to a screeching halt for me and won’t save even a draft:

On the upper right next to New Automation note the 3 vertical dots:

(Left-) Click on the 3 vertical dots and choose Edit in YAML:

You can now copy the code you have produced through the UI as YAML.

Paste the content of that YAML into the forum’s thread editor window (the one you write in here).

Having done so highlight the whole code block and hit the </> sign on the top of the editor window to format it properly so the community can read it:

BTW, you can do the same in reverse (i.e. paste YAML code into the automation editor when in YAML mode. Hit Edit in visual Editor and you are back in the visual editor).

see this

My bad Trigger has been changed to when, thats not going to help you with us calling it trigger is it :slight_smile:

When making an automation in the GUI.

in the when section search for “state”

pick your entity (your temp sensor)

leave everything else blank.

in condition pick “numeric state”

pick your temp entity

set to above whatever you want it to be above.

In then do pick “switch turn on”

Choose your entity.

These are all appearing as they should. Adding the tuya integration does not import Tuya scenes into scenes.yaml

Try this:

  • Create a new automation in the UI
  • Choose and create a trigger. Keep it simple, and choose an entity state, then something like a light if you have one in the dropdown. Fill in the state of the trigger to be from “off” to “on”
  • Set some time value like 00:05:00 for 5 minutes.

Now select the 3 dots in the corner of that trigger and find “edit in yaml mode”
You now get to see what your configuration looks like in yaml. You can swap back and forth from yaml to UI mode as you go along for everything, including the conditions and actions.

At the topmost upper right corner you can choose to see the yaml for the entire automation.

Save this, even if it is useless for now, and then check the automations.yaml file. This should demonstrate what is happening when you create automations, and why that file was empty when you began.

Nothing is added to configuration.yaml without you entering it manually. But this should not be needed for someone who is just starting out. Though you might have chosen some integration which does not have a method of adding it in the UI.

HACs is also not great to jump into right from the start. It is a downloader for custom integrations and without some familiarity with “normal” integrations it may get confusing fast.

One tiny step at a time it seems.
With your help I discovered that it’s possible to “edit in yaml” an attempt that won’t save as a file.
Here is this failed attempt - presumably because I can’t find any actions in the device “Air”.
The relevant “actions” (mode, fans speed, temperature etc) are all listed and accessible in the Tuya app, but nowhere to be found in HA after integration.
Still no closer to controlling my house temperature via HA…

Hi Arh.
I seem to nearly know those two pages by heart now, I keep referring to them so often…
HA just doesn’t behave as described.
So I want to automate:
When the temperature in my living room registers 25.6°C as a state change from 26.5°C on the device Lounge T&H Temperature entity Lounge T&H Temperature temperature changes,
Then switch on the device Air in mode cooling, fan speed auto, set temperature 24.0°C.

I intend to create another automation when I know this one works, to change the air conditioner mode to mode fans, speed whisper, for a time period of 15 mins. The switch the Air off (if any of this is even possible in HA.
It works fine in Tuya Smart - as long as the Internet is up. Which it isn’t always.
Hence the attempt at local control.

I just discovered a nother rabbit hole I should have known about right from the start:
Tuya Local Integration.
Isn’t that what HA is for?
I’m completely puzzled that this isn’t mentioned anywhere until you can get HACS up and running - which I have now.
All the roundabout of me getting a new sensor or switch, having to register it in the Tuya cloud, importing the configuration and running
the integration with security code and new tuya login confirmation for each configuration change, then never knowing if any automations were initiated on the Tuya cloud or my little Pi4…
Since I haven’t been able to get any automation running on HA, I’m pretty sure everything automatic in my house so far is coming from the cloud - including light staying on all weekend (with me away) because of a provider initiated router update when one of the automations was supposed to turn the lights off…