I need help to create an automation

Hi guys,

I am relatively new with Home Assistant and I need some help to configure an automation.

What I want to do:
When someone rings my door I should receive a slack notification, with a picture taken by my ip cam.

Someone already did this?

Is your IP camera one of the cameras that are currently supported as components?

Yes it is a Foscam camera but currently I am using it as Generic MJPEG IP Camera https://home-assistant.io/components/camera.mjpeg/
And I know what is the url to take a picture.

See if this helps; it’s for another platform but it may work or at least give you an idea:

Thanks rpitera. It’s a solution but I would like do to it with Slack to do not have to install Pushbullet on all my devices.

No problem - the was to serve more as a jumping off point than a solution; the perl script mentioned could be easily adapted to work with Slack if you are familiar with their API.

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