I need help to make a menu/submenu with LVGL in esphome

I bought few weeks ago a push knob switch with a screen which includes an esp32. I attach a link to this item. The display uses ili9xxx platform in ESPHome.

I would like to make a menu with several submenus options selected thanks to push this knob switch. I was thinking to make something like (it’s just an example):

Menu option 1: Light 1 (a label or image widget)
Submenu option 1.1.: Light intensity. (an arc widget)
Submenu option 1.2.: Color temperature (another arc widget)
Menu option 2: Light 2
Submenu option 2.1.: Light intensity
Submenu option 2.2.: Color temperature.
Menu option 3: show temperature and humidity inside the house.
Menu option 4: show weather forecast.
Menu option 5: select scenes (a label or image widget)
Submenu option 5.1.: scene 1.
Submenu option 5.2.: scene 2.
Submenu option 5.3.: scene 3.
Submenu option 5.4.: scene 4.

I have tried to understand LVGL information in ESPHome web, but I couldn’t find out how make a menu and submenu structure.

Any help will be welcomed, thanks in advance.

LVGL supports menu structure via a menu widget, but looking at the ESPHome docs maybe it wasn’t implemented.

You might be able to do something with the dropdown widget.

As you say, menu widget seems to haven´t been implemented in ESPHome. I’m going to try dropdown widget. Thanks for your help.

I created a project called esphome-modular-lvgl-buttons. It can be used to create complex button panels with only a few lines of code. You can add a button that goes to another LVGL “page” so a button called “weather” can be used to switch to weather page.


This is an example of what it looks like on a 480px touch screen