I need to set a reminder action with google_say that gives me enough time to wrap up in the morning and leave for work. I have a commute sensor that has the dynamic time to work from my phone. I need to subtract that number from 8:20, my desired arrival time.
My problem is these values have a mix of numbers, strings and times, and I can’t simply subtract the sensor value from 30 since sometimes it’s more than 30 minutes, which would then make it 8:-03, not ideal. Any ideas?
You could always use a template sensor like the one below. It will give you a sensor with the time as a decimal (ie 12:30pm = 12.50, or 7:45pm = 19.75).
I’m curious because when I try I run into a an issue trying to evaluate the math. The error returned indicates that it is trying to subtract a “int” from a “float”.
What I’m thinking about trying is to convert that into a string, but I don’t know if that will work or not. If you could show a working bit of code, I would greatly appreciate it!
You could separate out the ((now().strftime('%H') | int) + (now().strftime('%M')|int / 60) | round(2)) into its own template sensor, but I don’t typically add sensors like that unless I need the code used more than once.
So the trigger will fire if the current time is greater than 8:20am - the google commute time. So if the commute time was 20 minutes, it would fire at 8am or 8.00, is that basically the gist.
That’s what it looks like to me. He’s converting minutes into hours. The google travel time calculator returns minutes always. So he converts both values into hours and performs the check. 0.33*60 is 19.8. So to simplify the if check:
now() > ( 8:19:48 - travel time )
because .33 * 60 is 19.8 and .8*60 is 48, getting 8:19:48.
- alias: "Notify me when its time to leave for work"
platform: template
value_template: "{{ ((now().strftime('%H') | int) + (now().strftime('%M')|int / 60) | round(2)) > ( 8.33 - ((states.sensor.time_to_work.state) | int / 60)) }}"
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday
state: 'on'
- service: notify.ios_my_iphone
message: "Based on current traffic, you have 10 minutes to leave if you want to be to work by 8:30am"
title: "Time to Leave for Work"
Added a workday binary sensor to my configuration.yaml so it only runs on workdays
But this does leave me with a quick question about resources? How often is this “calculating” the times, every minute? Every time the google sensor changes? Both? Is this possibly a resource hog? If so, maybe have another automation to turn these off for most of the day, then turn them on about an hour or so before work?
I’ve always had that question myself and I cannot definitively answer that for you. The way I have understood template sensors to work is that it updates when an entity ID inside the value_template updates. This isn’t template sensors, this is triggering but I would assume it’s similar. Anyways, the only state device that is listed there is the sensor.time_to_work. So I believe it will evaluate the trigger only when that object updates. Don’t hold me to that though as this has always been a bit of a mystery.
After running this for a few weeks, I can say with a pretty high level of confidence that you are correct in your assumption about only triggering when the sensor updates.
This automation was a fun project, so I have not come back to it to try to tweak it, but overall it’s not too reliable. For example my values seem so stay pretty stable most of the time, so … usually it does not trigger, so i dont get the “leave in the next 10 minutes message”. I actually forgot about this for a while. I think I’ve only had it trigger one or two times. haha.
Need to have some sort of other item to trigger on.
Still want to send a message when I have to leave within 10 minutes to get to work on time.
hmm, maybe run this every minute between certain times of the morning? I’ll play around and see what I come up with.
Does this look like it should work to you? It has not worked yet, so I can only assume it’s not right, haha.
Here’s the full automation.
- alias: "Notify me when its time to leave for work"
platform: template
value_template: "{{ (((states.sensor.time.state) | int ) | round(2)) > ( 8.33 - ((states.sensor.time_to_work.state) | int / 60)) }}"
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ha_runtime_in_minutes
above: 1
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday
state: 'on'
- service: notify.pushbullet_notifications
message: "Based on current traffic, you have 10 minutes to leave if you want to be to work by 8:30am"
- email/[email protected]
title: "Time to Leave for Work"
edit: nevermind, I think it was the/60 for states.sensor.time.state. That was left over from when I had minutes and hours
does states.sensor.time.state return a datetime? I don’t use that platform so I can’t test it in my templates section to help! I can add it when i get home but that won’t be for a few hours.
If my logic is correct. lets say this ran successfully at 8am
current time - timestamp is 60 (after one minute, which is when the trigger would trigger the automation)
Definitely less than 64800, so does not run at all.
at midnight, timestamp now would be 0 but the value of the last_triggered should still be growing. Sometime a few hours later, the value should be over 64800, but the trigger would not be true, so it would not run until it’s supposed to.
At least I think that basiclly would work. The main thing I’m unsure of is how midnight would be handled for the last_triggered