I need help with a trigger based on time minus a google commute sensor

replace the 8.33 with 9.

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The other sensor called time is:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
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Good call, forgot to include that in the sensor list. I’ve updated my post.

This is what I have - however the time_to_leave_for_work sensor is always true

Sorry im missing something and really appreciate your help

  - platform: workday
    country: 'UnitedKingdom'
    workdays: [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri]

# Time-Date Sensor
  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'

  - platform: uptime
    name: "HA runtime in minutes"
    unit_of_measurement: minutes

  # Commute to Work
  - platform: waze_travel_time
    name: Time to Work
    origin: zone.home
    destination: zone.rob_work
    region: 'EU'

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {% set t = strptime(states.sensor.time.state,'%H:%M') %}
          {{ ( t.hour + t.minute / 60 ) > ( 9 - states.sensor.time_to_work.state | int / 60) }}
        friendly_name: 'Time to Leave for Work'
        entity_id: sensor.time
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Traffic to Work
        value_template: >
          {% if states("sensor.time_to_work") | int >= 30 %}
          {% elif states("sensor.time_to_work") | int < 30 and states("sensor.time_to_work") | int >= 25 %}
          {% elif states("sensor.time_to_work") | int < 25 and states("sensor.time_to_work") | int >= 10 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        entity_id: sensor.time

Mine is true from the moment it becomes true until midnight. Then it becomes false until… the

{{ ( t.hour + t.minute / 60 ) > ( 9 - states.sensor.time_to_work.state | int / 60) }}

is true again. Basically once a day it becomes true that the it’s time to leave for work. If that makes sense.

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Thank you so much. That explains it!