I need to understand - 3 - What is NodeRed

I have seen many mentions of NodeRed. What does it do and why would I need it ?


Simply put, It’s an alternative to HA automatons that uses a visual method (a bit like a flow chart) to depict the automation flow.

You can find out more about Node Red here: https://nodered.org/

You absolutely don’t need it. But for some of us, it’s more intuitive to use than the native HA automation tools.

Thanks !!! I am used to HA Automations so if I don’t need it, then I’ll leave it aside.

I am a strong supporter of Nodered as it adds much that you cannot do easily in HA Automations.

  • Manipulating data
  • Creating arrays from multiple sources
  • Creating new entities and attribute lists
  • Originating data where there is no applicable integration.
  • Sending data to an outside endpoint
  • Simplifying functionality
  • Experimental work
  • Automation made simple, but for me probably the least requirement

I could go on, but you would drop off to sleep, but I really could not do without it and at the very least I could not have achieved what I have done so far in creating some fairly impressive data in HA.

I say have a go, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Is there an idiot’s guide or good introduction to Node Red especially with HA integration in mind?

Well I just played around with it to begin with, its fairly easy to pick up and I am an oldie, but there are loads of tutorials about to help you.
I actually have only ever needed to look at the PDF guide and joining the forum will help too.
I have just spotted this link, which I haven’t read.

Just have a play with it, but be careful it’s very addictive and you suddenly find that your imagination leads on you on to experiment to your hearts content.

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You should be able to find quite a few video’s on youtube. I took a quick look at this one that seems to go through setup and use.


Then there is this flow generator. If you used the ha editor this is kinda similar.



Thanks, both!

Thanks. Where should I start ?

There are also quite a few examples in the docs as well as detailed instructions for each home assistant node.

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Well I suppose this all depends on what hardware you are using.
I first installed HA and Node red in a Docker system on my NAS drive, then quickly decided my NAS was more important as a Media and file server and so I bought a RPI 4 4GB model and I run everything on that.

I used HACS to install NodeRed and the additional add on for the HA nodes, which integrates really easily.
You will have a link in the menu on your HA to open Node Red’s web based UI and you can start quickly testing by using an inject node and a debug node.
I started at the age of 71, if I can get to grips with it anybody can and now I occasionally revisit my flows and I can see much better ways of getting the same data, so it is a constant learning curve, which suits me and keeps my brain working.
Have a read of this excellent guide and you will soon get the hang of it.


I have a HA Yellow Box and just added NodeRed with HACS. Now I will read the info from the link and will try it out. Thanks !!!

Enjoy Node …ing!!

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