I recetly created a bluprint that would not work because of bad indentation. This is (part) of the code where I could not find the error:
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: template
value_template: "{{trigger.id == 'alarm'}}"
- service: input_select.select_option
target: "{{buzzers}}"
option: "alarm"
- paralell:
- sequence:
- alias: "Setup notification variables"
action_stop: "{{ 'STOP_' ~ context.id }}"
- device_id: !input notify_device
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
title: "{{ title | default('') }}"
message: '{{message}} {{area_name(trigger_id)}}!'
tag: "fire"
sticky: true
persistent: true
- action: "{{ action_stop }}" # The key you are sending for the event
title: "{{ button_label }}" # The button title
- wait_for_trigger:
- platform: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: "{{ action_stop }}"
- service: input_select.select_option
target: "{{ buzzers }}"
option: "mute"
- sequence: ...
I looked and looked for the error but I could not find it. Do you see it?
Since I was playing around with chatGPT for the last couple of days, I went and posted my code and asked for help. It immeadiatly stated that my indentation was correct (I wasn’t crazy after all), but mentioned that I had a spelling mistake - that I wrote “paralell” instead of “parallel”. I’m pretty sure I would have spent even more hours before eventually giving up / posting my code to the forum and asking for help… As long as it is “free”, you should totally try and see if it can help you (spell correctly).