I want to create infographics about current state of Home Assistant versions

I’m a huge fan of Home Assistant. I really like this system.

I’m curious about versions. What is the most popular version of Home Assistant? How popular is beta versions? What was the buggy version and everybody is switching back from that version? How fast everybody upgraded to the latest version?

Today I’m releasing a web page with statistics about Home Assistant versions. This is just a small step in the road of answering that questions.


Where does it get data? It is showing data only for Home Assistant servers that send information about its version to this page. There is a special custom_component that does that work — https://github.com/bessarabov/bessarabov_custom_component (but it is also needed to created token that will identify the server )

The component is sending version when Home Assistant starts and then every hour (I want to show versions only for the servers that are alive in the past 24 hours)

I will be very grateful to you for configuring your server to send data about versions. The more servers send data, the more accurate the is the data.

This is just an experiment. There are a lot of things that should be done better, but I thing it is ok to show this early version.


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Having a time frame would be helpful.
Such as over the last 24hours or since October 2020.

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