I want to know the ecowittvgw2000a and Home assistant gateway communication protocol is HTTP or MQTT ?data format is Home assistant standard or ecowitt defind data format ?thanks
Please read the documentation:
The Ecowitt integration uses the Customized connection parameters set by the Ecowitt app. This uses HTTP protocol in a format defined by Ecowitt.
That format is described in the Ecowitt documentation on their website.
Thank you for your reply,but I want to know the gw2000a upload data format to Home assistant is ecowitt own defind ? is it no home assistant standard data format?
It uses data pushed from the GW2000 to the Ecowitt integration, using the Ecowitt supplied format.
This is an example of the data sent to Home Assistant using HTTP POST:
The actual path for the data sent to HA is an API key string obtained during setup, not “/data/report/” as shown above.
So - yes it is Ecowitt defined not some HA standard data format.
Thank you for your reply that the ecowitt gw2000a device upload ecowitt own defind data string example API for me ,I want using MCU simulate gw2000a a simple short API to test ,but the above gw2000a API you say not /data/report/,I have already using Home assistant APP gen a 32cg token PAth,but I dont know the string parameter PASSKEY=?
the below is short simpe 1 parameter API for test upload is correct or incorrect ? ip /32cg?stationtype=AMBWeathet v4.2.9&PASSKEY=?
Please help
Thank you
The passkey is generated by Ecowitt device, I don’t think it matters for HA, it does matter for services like Weather Underground as it is a unique identifier for the GW.
Station type may matter depending on how the integration is written, all you can do is try it and see.
Some more examples of the JSON data - this one from a GW1000:
payload: object
PASSKEY: "---deleted---"
stationtype: "GW1000_V1.7.7"
runtime: "362171"
dateutc: "2024-01-09 08:41:19"
tempinf: "88.70"
humidityin: "44"
baromrelin: "29.170"
baromabsin: "29.170"
tempf: "82.58"
humidity: "53"
winddir: "228"
windspeedmph: "0.89"
windgustmph: "4.47"
maxdailygust: "17.22"
solarradiation: "26.91"
uv: "0"
rainratein: "0.000"
eventrainin: "0.000"
hourlyrainin: "0.000"
dailyrainin: "0.000"
weeklyrainin: "0.472"
monthlyrainin: "0.866"
yearlyrainin: "33.449"
totalrainin: "33.449"
wh65batt: "0"
wh68batt: "1.58"
wh26batt: "0"
freq: "433M"
model: "GW1000_Pro"
thank you for your information ,about between the ge2000a and Home assistant ,but I still dont understand that the UTF8 API head http access IP+32 character path ,example (
or example (http://homeassistant.local:8123/32charactor/stationtype=AMBWeatherV4.2.9&tempinf=69.4
correct or incorrect ?Thank you
thank you for your information ,about between the ge2000a and Home assistant ,but I still dont understand that the UTF8 API head http access IP+32 character path ,example (
or example (http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/3c1af7e4997739183950dc81142017ed/stationtype=AMBWeatherV4.2.9&tempinf=69.4
correct or incorrect ?Thank you
I used Home assistant APP to receive HTTP resuest on line tools POST UTF8 test one parameter of ecowitt gw2000a result cannot received no display but Home assistant receive gw2000a device is normal didplay.onlinr tools URL is http://homeassistant.local/api/webhook/
Thank you
Hi - I am not sure why you are trying to use the API. The Ecowitt integration doesn’t use it.
If you are trying to emulate an Ecowitt device I suggest you start by getting onto forums that understand the Ecowitt protocols first. That won’t be the Home Assistant forum.
Thank you ,I using online HTTP post tools to simulate gw2000a device API that because I want to confirm between the Home assistant and ecowitt gw2000a integration communication protocol URL API is HTTP post + UTF8 data or not ?
I have no idea…