It just happened on node 2. This is all I can find relevant in the logs. It is a Trane Thermostat and doesn’t report updated values. I have to manually refresh the current temp, set temp, mode, and current state every 1m.
2022-10-13T18:23:24.696Z CNTRLR [Node 002] did not respond after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 500 ms.
2022-10-13T18:23:25.200Z SERIAL » 0x010b001302043104010825ba42 (13 bytes)
2022-10-13T18:23:25.201Z DRIVER » [Node 002] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 186
sensor type: Air temperature
scale: Fahrenheit
2022-10-13T18:23:25.203Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2022-10-13T18:23:25.208Z SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes)
2022-10-13T18:23:25.210Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-10-13T18:23:25.211Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: true
2022-10-13T18:23:29.508Z SERIAL « 0x01050013ba0152 (7 bytes)
2022-10-13T18:23:29.510Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-10-13T18:23:29.512Z DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData]
callback id: 186
transmit status: NoAck
2022-10-13T18:23:29.514Z CNTRLR [Node 002] The node did not respond after 3 attempts, it is presumed dead
2022-10-13 11:23:29.514 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 2 is now dead
2022-10-13T18:23:29.515Z CNTRLR [Node 002] The node is now dead.
2022-10-13 11:23:29.518 ERROR Z-WAVE: Error while polling value 2-64-0-mode: The node did not respond after 3 attempts, it is presumed dead (ZW0202)
2022-10-13 11:23:29.518 ERROR Z-WAVE: Error while polling value 2-66-0-state: The node did not respond after 3 attempts, it is presumed dead (ZW0202)
2022-10-13 11:23:29.518 ERROR Z-WAVE: Error while polling value 2-67-0-setpoint-2: The node did not respond after 3 attempts, it is presumed dead (ZW0202)
2022-10-13 11:23:29.518 ERROR Z-WAVE: Error while polling value 2-49-0-Air temperature: Failed to send the command after 3 attempts (Status NoAck) (ZW0204)
Hs it ever worked correctly? (sounds like yes)
Is the behavior new - if so since when?
What kind of stick are you using what firmware is on it?
How is it connected to HA Physically? (cabling)
What ZWave Integration are you using?
What’s different about the node that still works?
How far (distance) are the dead nodes?
Do you have a node map available?
Does the behavior stop of you stop your manual polling?
Hs it ever worked correctly? yes
Is the behavior new - if so since when? i think it started at 4am today
What kind of stick are you using what firmware is on it? go control zwave/zigbee combo stick; It is on the latest firmware
How is it connected to HA Physically? directly in a USB port
What ZWave Integration are you using? zwave-js-ui: 8.1.0 | zwave-js: 10.3.0
What’s different about the node that still works? It is a Zooz multi-purpose sensor. To be fair, it reports as Sleeping
How far (distance) are the dead nodes? varried. ranging from 15 feet to 40 feet.
Do you have a node map available? Picture below. I tried healing my network this morning, so to be fair I don't know if this is what the map looked like yesterday
Does the behavior stop of you stop your manual polling? I can try
look it up - there’s a specific issue we’re looking for and the firmware level will tell us uf you’ve fixed it or not. “is current” doesn’t help - we do need the version number.
In that map everything routes through node 2. What is that node? If it dies or becomes unavailable guess what may happen?
I would not know for sure, but if possible, try reset node #2, or use something that is capable as a repeater, put it near node #2, and remove node #2 from your setup for a few days…
Not sure if this will fix it or not but had similar issues and someone suggested to get a usb cable extension and no issues since then. I know it sounds too good/simple to be true but its an easy test it might work for you as well.
Dangit you’re right Takis. Good catch. - I missed that one in Op’s Response:
Put that thing on a short USB extension - get it off the direct port. Plug it into a USB2 port (Not the blue ones) if you have the option. Or alternatively I use a small powered USB2 hub. These things are ridiculously sensitive to USB3 interference. It’s worth clearing out as a potential source of the issue - you’ll want this long term.