iAqualink integration is broken. You cannot set it up nor is it working as of this AM.
I’m having the same issue.
Without looking at it this morning, I upgraded to 2021.6 and on review of my integrations, this was showing a “failed to connect” error. I verified I could access the site and the app and then removed and attempted to re-add the integration.
No dice. The log file shows “Forbidden.” I tried with fake creds and the same error comes up.
I to am getting 403 Forbidden, I’m guessing they blocked the User Agent?
Sounds like there are tons of issues that are affecting the mobile app as well as this. There are already tickets opened on github for the devs to look into.
I am having the same issue. 2021.6 seems to have broken the ability to access Jandy iAqualink. This is disappointing: one of the initial reasons I switched from SmartThings to HomeAssistant is that it integrated with almost all home automation platforms I use; and from then until now, the Jandy iAqualink integration “just worked.” Hoping there will be a fix for this.
I have some additional information. I tried rolling back to 2021.5.4, but HA remains unable to login to Jandy iAqualink. It worked perfectly up until the upgrade to 2021.6, so I don’t understand this. As a test I uninstalled the integration to see if I could install it again, but it will not accept my credentials (login error). The credentials work fine on the Jandy iAqualink web interface.
There will, the dev is already aware. I also came from ST about 1.5 years ago - you’ll never look back, I promise.
I get your frustration, but this has become such a breeze to work on compared to what it was. Plus, I was never able to add my pool equipment to ST, so there’s that.
Just upgraded core to 2021.6.2 - looks like it’s working again! I had deleted my integration and was unable to re-add it, until today, when the update hit.
Thanks to the dev for the quick fix!
Yes, I see the update notes for 2021.6.2 mention this. I just upgraded and iAqualink is back!
Squishbutt… I agree with you re: ST vs. HA. I suppose the time I have to spend working on it is worth the capabilities of HA. But the best thing is there’s an active, responsive community. This particular issue, that (per HA) affects 0.1% of users, took two days to fix.
Apparently the issue was the underlying API URLs were changed on the Iaqualink side. They’re updated with the 6.2 release.
Can someone help. I am trying to connect my new pool up to home assistant. I have the iaqualink to control my pool. When I try to integrate, it will not accepts my login for the Iaqualink. I know it is the correct username and password because I can login on the iaqualink site with the same information. Any ideas?
Well, the landing page you use to login and the api the integration uses are 2 different pages, so it’s unlikely that it’s your creds.
Do you have the absolute latest integration? There was a change recently on the iaqualink side that caused this to break.
just loooking to understand if there is movement on this integration
I just tried and my Zodiac system is not support in the integration
Logger: iaqualink
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/iaqualink/system.py:65
First occurred: 9:25:48 am (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:25:48 am
exo is not a supported system type.
Same for me, my robot and my Exo iQ dual don’t show up