IBeacon issue. Do I have the Companion App configured incorrectly?

I’m getting multiple devices for the UUID of my Android Companion app. I just started using iBeacons, with the goal of just using it as an overall device tracker to see if I am home (along with GPS and wifi). But the device for the device_tracker keeps changing.

Do I have something configured wrong that is making the app send a new device with four random alphanumeric characters at the end (like 3E24)?

no the tracker reports everything it sees

Why is it seeing all of these devices with the same UUID, but random characters at the end? What am I missing?

I’m running into this as well and haven’t found a solution.

Ok, I figured it out, I needed to use the Private BLE Device integration.

If I understand, this is because the Mac address is rotating and you need an IRK.

The instructions I followed to get one was : GUIDE - Getting the IRK for iPhone and Apple Watch without MacOS (Maybe also other devices?)

you can ignore the parts that are Apple specific. I skipped all those without problem. The super short version is to flash an esp32 with some custom firmware that will let you phone pair via Bluetooth, and when it pairs, it will spit out the IRK into the serial output. You can then use the IRK from there to add your device via Private BLE device integration.

Just use the iBeacon in the companion app.