We just logged in with the app specific password and it worked. We used all the characters, including the hyphens. We removed the iCloud integration, restarted, re-installed it and put the new password in. Thanks Thomas for the solution.
I tried using the app specific password but the integration always tells authentication error. If I use my actual appleid password it works every time.
I’ve deleted the integration, cleared browser cache, deleted icloud folder in .storage and restarted HA but it never authenticates with my app specific password.
Any thoughts?
So we are on the same boat here…
Yes, I’ve just tried this and have the same issue. Not sure what else to try?
I’m in the same boat. I’m about to solve the issue on the email side of things—a gmail filter to delete these messages—but I’d hate to miss a notification that’s actually important.
The Password should look like this, it works for me, but i don’t get the verification-code on my phone.
This worked for me, thanks! It’s the standard pwd for AppleID PLUS the 19 char app password. It wasn’t necessary to delete files on the HA, I just removed the integration, restarted HA and added it again.
I have deleted the .storage icloud Files
2FA is active
App specific PW does not let me log in
the combo of PW + App PW doesnt let me log in either. Although i really wouldn understand why it should log in anyways
I just reinstalled the integration with the ususal PW and hope that my mails dont blow up again
What is entered for the email tab. Becasue it seems if I use my usual email then the new HA password does not work
@bprigg This should be your AppleID-email.
For the password field, I use the password + one-time password method and it works: yourappleidpasswordaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd
Same problem here.
I uninstalled the Addon and restarted HA.
The notification seems to be gone.
I still would like to be able to use the Addon.
Hope for a quick fix.
Hi there, is this still working for you? It doesn’t seem to actually authenticate for me.
After entering either just the app specific password, or both AppleIDPasswordAppSpecificPassword, I get prompted to then enter a verification code sent to my devices, this code does not get received.
I also note that if I enter a totally incorrect password that I get the same behaviour, so it does not seem to actually authenticate with the app specific password.
I got this same problem a couple of months ago which led me to delete the iCloud integration. Did anyone find a solution? Any luck with the app specific password?
i did not have this issue till about a week ago. Now the apple icloud integration is asking me for verification and 2fa code entry very frequently to the point that I have had to remove this integration. Hope someone can look into this
thank you
i had this. the solution i found is to say no to the request to sign in. go to settings devices in home assistant and hopefully icloud will say needs configuration (can take a day or 2 for this to appear). reconfigure with password, accept the log on request. (you can’t enter the code but it works). seem to need to do this every month or so