Hi, I was on 111.x and just upgraded to 115.3 because my iCloud integration just wouldn’t update anymore. It works now, but i get a couple “APPLE ID SIGN IN REQUESTED” notifications per hour which are very annoying. Any way to get rid of these please?
Same here after 0.116. I kinda forgot what’s the iCloud integration actually for The devices are running HA app, isn’t that enough and actually better?
I’m getting this every 30 minutes now. Anyone ever figure out how to fix it other than by disabling it?
It’s really useful and I’d like to kinda get it working properly
Unfortunately not. Tried deleting the icloud folder and readding - same issue. Tried icloud3 integration, same issue. Please someone fix this - really need it!
I “fixed" this by creating another Apple ID without 2FA enabled, and adding it to my family in iCloud. Then I used that ID to log in with Home Assistant. If you select to add the family devices when you set up the integration, they should show up. I think (not sure) that you may have to assign this ID to a device and turn on “Find My” for this to work. I had an old iPad we keep in the kitchen that I used. But you could also just make a dummy user on any Mac.
Hi all. New to Home Assistant. Installed the iCloud integration and saw the same behavior. Spent days reading forum posts.
Tried the remove, restart, add, but that didn’t solve it.
What did stop the 2fa prompts was to add the verification code to the password.
Go to iPhone > settings > click the user account > Password & Security > Get Verification Code. Add this code to your password.
Yes, that is what has stopped the pop ups.
However, I can’t get location or device information to update without reloading the integration. Which the means entering the password+code again.
I also read apple requires the password to be entered every 2 months.
I am having this issue, repeatedly. Driving me bonkers. Any known fixes that work? I saw one potential fix with appending a code to the end of your password, but people said that while it stops the login prompts, it also stops Home Assistant from updating the data.
I know this is an old post but it was doing my head in today keep getting email notifications about sign in via web browser.
I remembered Apple has the option of App specific passwords, which bypass 2-factor auth.
Navigate to Appleid.apple.com from your web browser and sign in with your Apple ID and Password.
Verify your identity with two-factor authentication.
Under the Security section, select Generate Passwords. …
Enter a label for the password. …
Select Create.
I followed these steps and then just used that password to login to iCloud via Home Assistant (After removing the add in and adding again).
I did the app specific password, and got this:
So are we supposed to do all 19 digits here? Or 16 digits without the hyphens? I have tried both but no luck, so would like to compare notes.
I have also deleted everything under the \config\.storage\icloud\ before I try.
So what worked for you? From my seat, only the original(?) iClould password would work, but that generates notifications and errors in the log.