iCloud Script configuration

Has anyone successfully implemented a script to perform some of the icloud functions?


I know how to setup the script, however, what is the formatting like to have it call a specific phone?

@technicalpickles any input on this? Could you share your script/automation?

I haven’t used this specific component yet, sorry.

What have you tried so far?

Sorry, I thought you wrote the new icloud component.

Did you figure out how to call some of the icloud functions? I’ve been trying to call the icloud_lost_iphone service but I’m unsure what device_name to use - is it the device name in HA, or the device name in icloud?

Get the icloud device name from your known_devices.yaml file :wink:

Here’s my known_devices.yaml:

hide_if_away: false
name: Sherwin 6S
track: true

So I tried device_tracker.sherwin6s, just sherwin6s and even Sherwin 6S. None of them work. Should I be putting quotes, apostrophes, or anything?

same problem here, did you figured it out?