Icloud3 device tracker?

Been trying for a few days now and can not wrap my head around it. What I would like to do is send myself notifications when someone leaves a zone. Say like the device has left the Home zone.

I can see that the Icloud3 device tracker has sensors show the last zone known. Must be a way to use these. Maybe a function node?

Some thing like:

  • Device goes from: “Home” to “Away” then send message “Dave left Home” to IOS
  • Device goes from “Dave Work” to “Away” then send message “Dave left Work” to IOS
  • Device goes from “Away” to “Home” then send message " Dave just got Home" to IOS
  • Device goes from “Away” to “Dave Work” then send message " Dave just got to Work" to IOS

These are the state sensors I can see in HA for the device.


Check the list of notification options available in the app settings.