iCloud3 v2.1 Device Tracker - iCloud3 v2.2 has been released (10/10/2020)

@eoren1 On my system, the name above the picture on the badges is defined on the Lovelace card configuration in the ui_lovelace,yaml file (name statement).

Hi All,

I can’t figure it out … I’ve been working on the installation configuration for a few days now. I follow the installation steps by this guide:. I do the installation via HACS, that’s fine. I don’t use ui-lovelace.yaml so I add the resources through: Configuration - Lovelace Dashbord - Resource. I think this works.
Then I have to add the custom card (so not via the ui-lovelace.yaml), so create it via manual card. the following code I add but then I get all error messages that I do not get out, no matter how many spaces I use for line 4, error message remains…


I already search the web , this topic , other topics but I can’t find a solution , maybe my search is not good

(Asked te same question in " Configuration" I don’t know what is the right place to post this question. I home someone can help me with this, getting desperate :worried:

Love the Icloud3 addon. Having a a peculiar issue. Using the FmF method and the HA app. I get periodic changes to ‘away’ when my phone is at home:


My wife’s phone does not seem to do this. She is not currently use the HA app. Any thoughts?


@Buckeyes1995 What entity goes to ‘away’. State? Sensor.devicename_zone? Sounds like GPS wandering where the IOS App issues state changes to exit a zone. iCloud3 detects that and may change device_tracker state but will not change sensor.devicename_zone.

This is described in the iCloud3 docs Here

@olraccus Try lining up card under title and see if that works

- title ...
  icon ...
  - type: ...
    entity ...

Still having problems installing, please help with this … I am using Google translate so I hope it is clear what I am trying to tell :slight_smile:

If more information is needed then I’d love to hear it, would like this addon to work

I’ll put here exactly what I did according to the manual

I am not using ui-lovelace.yaml file.

1: HACS:
The installation with HACS is going well

2: Install the iCloud3 Event Log
Add repository:

I add the repository via: Configuration - Lovelace Dashboard - Resources.
Location :

Type: Javascript module

Add card:

Since I am not using the ui-lovelace.yaml I follow this link according to the instruction:

"Hit the three dots button twice (once to edit UI, next to open raw editor) Paste the required configuration at the top of this file (above everything else)"

When I paste the configuration above it and save it I get the following message:

"Unable to parse YAML: YAMLException: bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 2, column 9: icon: mdi: information-outline ^"

Then I will align everything but the following:

"Unable to parse YAML: YAMLException: end of the stream or a document separator is expected at line 7, column 1: title: Home ^"

This is my configuration which I change with the raw editor

- title: iCloud Event Log
  icon: mdi:information-outline 
  - type: custom:icloud3-event-log-card
    entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log

title: Home
  - badges: []
      - entity: climate.toon_thermostat
        icon: 'mdi:home-thermometer'
        name: Thermostaat
        step_layout: row
        type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
      - entity: media_player.marantz_nr_1604
        type: media-control
    icon: 'mdi:home'
    path: default_view
    title: Home
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: light.woonkamer_alle_lampen
          - entity: light.eetkamertafel_links
          - entity: light.eetkamertafel_rechts
          - entity: light.staande_lamp
          - entity: light.tafellamp_woonkamer
          - entity: sensor.woonkamer_schakelaar_battery_level
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Woonkamer
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: light.hue_lightstrip_plus_keuken
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Keuken
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: light.buiten_alle_lampen
          - entity: light.lamp_garage_links
          - entity: light.lamp_garage_rechts
          - entity: light.overkapping_links
          - entity: light.overkapping_rechts
          - entity: light.voordeur
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Buiten
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: light.brandgang_schuur
          - entity: light.hue_lightstrip_plus
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Overkapping
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: light.bartafel_links
          - entity: light.bartafel_rechts
          - entity: light.hue_iris
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Mancave
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_temperature
          - entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_light_level
          - entity: binary_sensor.hue_motion_sensor_motion
        title: Hue Motion Sensor
        type: entities
    icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
    path: verlichting
    title: Verlichting
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: switch.hs110
          - entity: sensor.wasmachine_watts
          - entity: sensor.wasmachine_kw_today
        title: Wasmachine
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.toon_afgelopen_uur
          - entity: sensor.toon_totaal
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Gas
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.toon_actueel_laag
          - entity: sensor.toon_teruggave_laag
          - entity: sensor.toon_totaal_laag
        title: Stroom laag
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.toon_actueel_hoog
          - entity: sensor.toon_teruggave_hoog
          - entity: sensor.toon_totaal_hoog
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Stroom hoog
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.solaredge_current_power_template
          - entity: sensor.solaredge_energy_today_template
          - entity: sensor.solaredge_energy_this_month_template
          - entity: sensor.solaredge_energy_this_year_template
          - entity: sensor.solaredge_lifetime_energy_template
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Zonnepanelen
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.toon_p1_heat
          - entity: sensor.toon_p1_power_prod_high
          - entity: sensor.toon_p1_power_prod_low
          - entity: sensor.toon_p1_power_solar
          - entity: sensor.toon_p1_power_solar_cnt
          - entity: sensor.toon_power_use
          - entity: sensor.toon_power_use_cnt
        title: My Title
        type: entities
    icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
    path: energie
    title: Energie
  - badges: []
      - entity: weather.openweathermap
        type: weather-forecast
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.owm_temperature
          - entity: sensor.owm_cloud_coverage
          - entity: sensor.owm_rain
          - entity: sensor.owm_humidity
          - entity: sensor.owm_condition
          - entity: sensor.owm_cloud_coverage
          - entity: sensor.owm_pressure
          - entity: sensor.owm_wind_bearing
          - entity: sensor.owm_wind_speed
        show_header_toggle: false
        type: entities
    icon: 'mdi:weather-sunny'
    path: weer
    title: Weer
  - badges: []
      - entity: media_player.marantz_nr_1604
        type: media-control
      - entity: media_player.achtertuin
        type: media-control
    icon: 'mdi:play-network'
    path: media

Try moving the title, icon, and card left so it looks like the other lines do. Worth yaml, everything is about spaces and getting things lined up. Frustrating at times but look at the other code and how those statements are lined up.

I already tried every possible combination , nothing seems to work.
Removed everything, manual reinstall (Without HACS)

Copied 5 files to config/custom_components/icloud3
and the icloud3-event-log-card.js file to this location :

I am not using ui-lovelace.yaml.

Adding resource via
Configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards -> Resources , hit the + sign and adding this :


Resource type : Javascript Module

And after that

Hit the 3 dots In the upper right corner of my dashboard -> configure UI -> hit de + sign -> choose custom and adding the following l

title: iCloud Event Log
icon: mdi:information-outline 
type: custom:icloud3-event-log-card
entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log

There is no error but also no visible card… (Tried every possible line-up)

In your first post, you had:

- title: iCloud Event Log
  icon: mdi:information-outline 
  - type: custom:icloud3-event-log-card
    entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log

title: Home
  - badges: []

These statements define the dashboard:

title: Home

Move your code so it is under the ‘views:’ line so it is included in the Home dashboard with your other entities.

title: Home
  - title: iCloud Event Log
    icon: mdi:information-outline 
    - type: custom:icloud3-event-log-card

  - title: Home
    badges: []
      - entity: climate.toon_thermostat
        icon: 'mdi:home-thermometer'
        name: Thermostaat
        step_layout: row
        type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
      - entity: media_player.marantz_nr_1604
         type: media-control
    icon: 'mdi:home'
    path: default_view

(And the rest of your code)

Unfortunately I can’t get it done yet, too bad because I really want to use this plugin.
I appreciate that you make time for me and want to help with this!

When i do what you told (removed all my other code to be sure it has nothing to do with that) I get a blank page.

When I go back to the “Configure UI” I see this:

I choose edit and then only this code is visible:

type: 'custom:icloud3-event-log-card'

I am going to reinstall the whole system, now not on VirtualBox but on Vmware Fusion.
I have several things that are not going well now, so I really want to exclude everything.

Installation will not take that long I think, have a good backup of the config files.

I’ll be back :wink:

I have installed it on my system and have it up and running. I set it up without using the edit mode by selecting add a card, scrolling to the bottom of the list and selected ‘Manual’. The Event Log card was displayed and I selected Save. It was then displayed correctly. (I’m replying on my phone so can not see the exact wording of what I did.)

I’ll be adding detailed instructions with screen shots into the iCloud3 docs and will post a link when they are available.

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Thanks ! Looking forward to it !

I have it partially working!
In your manual it should actually say that after creating the custom card you also have to put the following in the configuration.yaml file and restart HA after , then at least you will see the card otherwise the screen will remain blank and you will continue to search for what you are doing wrong .

So, what i did so far: (With screenshots so other users can see what i did)

1: I have created a directory where I already had another custom card, this has become:
Copied the file: icloud3-event-log-card.js in this directory.

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-02 om 10.13.06

2: URL specified, this must be (In the latest version of HA anyway) via: configuration -> Lovelace Dashboard -> Resources

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-02 om 10.12.05

Alternative URL could be : /hacfiles/lovelace-icloud3 / , i think /hacfiles points to /local/community/)

3 add custom card (selecting add a card, scrolling to the bottom of the list and selected ‘Manual’)

  - entity: sensor.icloud3_event_log
title: iCloud Event Log
type: 'custom:icloud3-event-log-card'

Card not visable now !!! next thing is important !

4: After i add this to configuration.yaml

## iCloud 3
   - platform: icloud3
     username:! secret icloud_user
     password:! secret icloud_pass
       - device_tracker.iphone_of_olraccus

It shows me this screen: (Ignore the errors, not configured yet!)

This part is now successful, I am now going to find out how to configure everything :slight_smile:

The v2.2.0 Event Log Manuel’s chapter is here. Most of the chapter’s have also been updated. Not included yet is setting up the Lovelace resources statement. I have to change my config around to do that and am not ready to do that yet.

Your comments are helpful. Thanks

Hi, I have the integration setup via HACS and the card working great, its polling and showing locations fine, however every time it polls I get an authentication popup on my devices. I am using the famshr method is there anything I can do to fix the authentication so I dont have to keep excepting it.
My home assistant is updated to the latest version and is running in a virtualbox.

@nickisagod That is a normal behavior on the version on HACS (v2.1.0). The next release (v2.2.0) does support FamShr without the nagging messages and is undergoing final testing before the next release. You can download it from the v2.2.0 Release Candidate directory on the iCloud3 GitHub Repository here.

The ChangeLog docs list the new features and how to install it onto your system.

The outstanding issue I am working on deals with entering & exiting Stationary Zones with multiple devices in the same zone. Otherwise, it’s pretty solid.

I’ve been using your latest V 2.2.0 RC8 and with Family Sharing and can confirm zero problems with your integration in authenticating against my icloud account. I did the initial setup process with 2 FA text method and haven’t had any issues with it authenticating.

In regards to entering and exiting stationary zones. I’ve noticed consistently two issues. It only seems to affect the primary device of the famshr account, the other two devices/accounts/users are not affected. The stationary entity created for the primary device seems to be erroneously placed about a half mile north of my home location. It also looks like the only time it tries to state the device is at that station location is whenever the GPS signal is very low, like 4200. It still reports to HA that I’m Home but when looking at the geocoded location and on the map it puts me at the stationary location that’s north of my house and it only affects the primary account. Not either of the two secondary accounts.

@jamieboy05 That’s what I’m working on. Each device has it’s own Stationary Zone. The problem I’m working on is when one device is in it’s zone Stationary Zone and another device enters that zone, the iOS App does a zone enter for the Stationary Zone for the device that owns the zone, not the Stationary Zone for the one that did the entering. Then all triggers, exits, etc are for the device that just entered the zone have the other device’s zone name, not it’s own and things get confusing. I’m on version #6 of a fix to the problem and think I’m close, but I thought that on #3. Stay tuned.

I’ve had the opposite experience. The primary stays put, while the secondary roams around. Logs from iOS companion app 2020.3, iOS 13.5.1, HA 112.0.