iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

I was using the Apple Icloud integration and wanted to try iCloud3… I got it working but have a question… I have an automation that would close the garage door when I left the house and opened when I arrived home… The delay is so bad that I just manually open the garage door now…

Is this a setting or what would cause this to not update my location when I leave/enter as fast anymore. Thanks for the help.

Better to user the HA app to see if you are on the wifi ssid.

@gcobb321, thank you. I think you are right. It looks like the max distance it will let me calculate is 1000km which they are further than that. I appreciate the help.


  1. The iOS App should be installed to isue zone enter/exit triggers to iCloud3. That triggers a zone change.
  2. I also have an automation that opens my garage door and it is triggered by the zone sensor changing to home or to the home_distance sensor going below .2. The iCloud3 User Guide has a complete chapter on this with all of the code. See the Automations and Scripts chapter

iCloud3 v3, Release Candidate 1 was just uploaded

If you have not set up a HACS Custom Repository, go to the Releases page here for more info.


iCloud3 v3, Release Candidate 2 was just uploaded

Go to the Releases page here

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Can you tell me how to accomplish this please?

I don’t think it would be done with iCloud3. You would track this with the Home Assistant companion app which creates a sensor for the SSID. Look for when that changes to the name of your Wi-Fi network and create an automation that triggers based on that state change.

Your entity should look something like this. This is my iPad with the companion app and you can see the state is the name of the network it is connected to.

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iCloud3 v3, Release Candidate 3 was just uploaded

I think this will probably be the final Release Candidate in the iCloud3_v3 repository. The next step will be creating a pre-release in the main iCloud3 repository that will get picked up by HACS. Both the iCloud3 and iCloud3_v3 repositories will be maintained for a while. Any issues identified and fixed will continue to be released in iCloud3_v3 before being promoted to iCloud3.


Go to the Releases page here


iCloud3 v3, Prerelease #1 has been uploaded to the HACS iCloud3 Integrations Base Repository

This update will show as a HACS update to iCloud3 v2.4.7 on the HA Devices & Services screen. Since this is a Prerelease, it will not be listed and you may not get a notification if the HACS Configuration ‘Show beta versions’ is disabled.

To turn on ‘Show beta versions’, go to Devices & Services > Integrations > HACS > Configure and enable ‘Show beta versions’. Then HACS will show the Prerelease versions in the dropdown list on the download window and you will receive update notifications for iCloud3. When a large number of users have installed the Prerelease versions, the status of iCloud3 will change to a General Availability release.

If the update does not appear on the HA Devices & Services screen, go to HACS, select iCloud3 v2, select the 3-dots on the right, and select Update Information.

The iCloud3 User Guide describes the features, migrations steps and other information in detail.
You can find this here:

  • Installing and Migrating from v2.4.7 - See here for instructions on migrating from from v2.4.7 or older.
  • iCloud3 v3 Documentation - The User Guide describes what you need to know to get up and running. It shows sample screens with the Lovelace layout, explains the changes and new features, guides you through the Configure Settings screens and provides sample automations and scripts.

If you have been using iCloud3, everything will seem familiar and you will not have to make any changes to your screens and configuration. Once you see the new sensors, and how they can be used, however, you will probably want to revisit your setup to take advantage of the new features.

The User Guide can be found here



Hi @gcobb321 and others. I keep getting these messages. they are very annoying. Do you guys have a clue how to get rid of this?

Hi .*, apologies if this was already asked, but I noticed if a device (apple watch) is stationary for a longer time the update interval gets longer and longer, although the device might already left the zone. Is there a way to add a button/switch somehow to my dashboards to make a force update of the device and request location info?

Other question is theere any way to change this StatZone1 status to Away somehow?

Thank you!

Hi Gary, trying again with version 3 and definitely working better than back in March 2022. Question though - why would the integration (if it is the integration and not a HA core bug?) show me as ‘away’ when everything is showing I’m at home? (And I AM at home)

Thanks for all your hard work!!

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11.15.29

The device tracker entity has several options on how it’s state value should be displayed that are selected on the Configure Settings > Page 2 > format parameters screen. You can let HA do it based on the gps location value or let iCloud3 do it based on the zone it says you are in. The @Home in the info field says iCloud3 thinks you are Home. The interval, travel time, direction and distance also indicates you are Home. Your parameters are probably set to HA. The sensor.[Device]_zone always the iClloud3 zone.

Look at that parameter and select the option you want

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Hi. I’m not able to get 6 digit code since I use yubikey to log in. Is there any way I can do? App password didn’t work.

Hi, I’ve got an Apple Watch setup using V3. The entities are all populating, however, there is no actual location coordinates anywhere.

My hope with using this integration was to be able to see the watch on the Home Assistant app, but since there is no “device_tracker” entity, that doesn’t seem to be possible.

Am I missing something here? It is a cellular Apple watch used separately from an iPhone.

@sayanova hardware keys will not work with iCloud3 and HA

The Watch is set up like an iPhone or iPad. Add it on the Configure Settings > Update Devices screen. Make sure you select the Family Sharing device to link the device in your iCloud amount with the iCloud3 device to track.

To see the gps coordinates, enable them on the Configure Settings > Page 2 > Format Parameters screen. They will then display in the Event Log

Thank you for the reply.
Configure Settings > Update Devices Screen:
The Family Sharing device link is set to the apple watch, but there is an option to choose the iPhone that shares the same phone number. I do not want to track the phone, just the watch.

Configure Settings > Page 2 > Format Parameters Screen:
The GPS coordinates option is checked, but the GPS parameters seen in the entity appear to be that of the iPhone, not the watch.

How can I buy you a coffee or something for being so supportive? Kudos to you for the work you’re doing here!

The watch will be tracked if it is selected in the Family Sharing list. The gps coordinates are one of the attributes of the device_tracker.[devicename] entity. To see the attributes, put that entity on a Lovelace card, select it and then select attributes. An example of them is shown in the iCloud3 User Guide herei.

To see the User Guide, click the question mark on the Event Log screen or select HA Devices and Services > iCloud3 Integration > Documentation.

To Buy me a coffee, click the coffee cup on the Event Log screen or select it in the User Guide.