iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

I just recognized that I get a message about my friends:

NOT tracked device

This was true for v3. b16 but also for b19.1
But before that (even on v3) it used to work)
For the devices in family share it works well.

Anything I could check?

Hi All,

Everything i try the beta version keeps logging even when i start and stop de logging in config.

How to disable the logging full even when restart HA.

Configuration Settings > Page 2 > Format Settings > Log Level — set to Info

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I am stuck at this screen where it says select a person but pressing it, does nothing.

Check to verify that there are devices that are being tracked (see below). When the conversion is done, all devices are set to Inactive and not tracked.

Click the pink gear iicon n upper right corner, then select Configure to open the Configure Settings screens. The process of checking everything out is in the iCloud3 v3 docs here.

To go to the iCloud3 v3 docs, click the blue question mark icon in the upper right, then review the Migrating from v2 to v3, Step # 3.2.

The config/icloud3-0.log file contains a log of all of the icloud3 activity. See if there are any error messages.
The icloud3-migration.log file contains a log of the data migration process. Review that too.

Edit: 6:19pm
There have been several changes to the Event Log. To see your version, select Actions and scroll to the bottom. The latest is v3.0.10 (b19.1). Try Refreshing the Browser to make sure the latest version is loaded.

BTW - What version of iCloud3 v3 are you running?

@GaryK i got the same problem, the icloud3 log is empty :frowning:
i updated from v2 to lastes beta v3. sensors all working fine…

I clear the browser bache but the log is still empty.

The /config/icloud3-0.log looks ok:
2023-07-28 00:00:00 [icloud3_main:1421] iCloud3 v3.0.0b19.1, Log File: 2023-07-28 00:00:00

I solve the problem and add the devices again, now all is working fine.

After a successful refresh and the v3 Event Log was loaded, it was a restart of iCloud3 that actually solved the problem.

@gcobb321 is there a way to catch the focus name?

@Ben82cgn I don’t know what you mean by ‘focus name’. What are you trying to do?

@gcobb321 i mean the name of the current focus like driving, sleeping.

@Ben82cgn That is not iCloud3. iCloud3 is a device tracker running under Home Assistant. That looks like an iOS screenshot

@gcobb321 yes this is a screenshot. My Question ist is there a way to show the Focus name?

binary.sensor.ben_iphone_focus shows the state on/off. When the state is “on” can we get the name of the current focus like driving/sleeping?

@Ben82cgn That sensor is not one that is generated by iCloud3. It may be a template or created by another integration. So iCloud3 can not do anything related to your question.

okay sorry :slight_smile:

For those running iCloud3, v3

iCloud3 v3, Beta 20 was Uploaded

See the Releases page for some notes and a list of the changes.

Important Links

Download and Install - Go to the iCloud3 Releases page here. Scroll down past the notes, then select Assets, then select icloud3-beta-##.zip. Download the zip file and unzip it into the /config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.
Installing using HACS - iCloud3 is not available on HACS unless you have set it up as a custom repository.
See here for instructions on how to do that and then install it. If you just go to HACS and do the installation, you will be installing v2.4.7, not v3.
Migrating from v2.4._ - See here for instructions on migrating from from an older version.
iCloud3 v3 Documentation - It is still in process, does not include the latest updates to iCloud3 and can be found here

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I installed iCloud3 v3 yesterday and since then I’ve had two “Zones” automatically created… Is this iCloud3 doing this??

@ts2340 Yes, thay are Stationary Zones created by iCloud3 when a device has been in the same location for a while. The zones are not permanent, will move around and be deleted on an HA restart.

See the iCloud3 docs for more info. Look for a chapter on Special Zones

iCloud3 v3, Beta 20.1 was Uploaded

  1. The HA 2023.08 broke the way iCloud3 set up the notifications for iOSApp devices and the way the iOS App state and attributes values were being read. This has been fixed.
  2. And a few other things

Go to the Releases page using the link below for more information.

Important Links

Installing using HACS - iCloud3 is not available on HACS unless you have set it up as a custom repository. See here for instructions on how to do that and then install it. If you just go to HACS and do the installation, you will be installing v2.4.7, not v3.
Manual Download and Install - Go to the iCloud3 Releases page here. Scroll down past the notes, then select Assets, then select icloud3.zip. Download the zip file and unzip it into the /config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.
Migrating from v2.4._ - See here for instructions on migrating from from an older version.
iCloud3 v3 Documentation - It is still in process, does not include the latest updates to iCloud3 and can be found here

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I’m having an unexpected behavior with cloud3 v3. On my wife’s phone, the entity that shows sensor.iphone.travel_time_home shows 0 min when the travel distance shows 933 miles (she is actually the 933 miles away), but why would the time not be updating? When looking at all of her icloud3 entitities, all of them show 0 min. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

The travel time comes from Waze. If there is a problem with Waze or the calculated distance is less than the Waze max distance in the configuration. the calculated distance is used and the time is not available. Look at the Configuration Settings > Page 2 > Waze and see what it is set to. Increase it if needed. If a long way from Home, it sometimes does not make sense to find out it is going to take to drive home.