iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3


Nothing has changed…and sometimes it works perfectly. It just seems random (and increasingly so recently) that IOS doesn’t seem to recognize that its ‘home’ until some period has elapsed. I’m sure this is related to the way IOS ‘triggers’ a significant location change event.

To temporarily get around this, I’ve set the announcements to be triggered only when a boolean ‘helper’ switch is turned on. This can be turned on either by iCloud3 or the native proximity alerts - one of these two should catch the fact I’m arriving home.


  1. It’s V3

  2. My wife just arrived home today. The native proximity detected her phone (@ 12:56:14 pm) and toggled the ‘switch’ that kicked off the announcement. However, according to the automation trace, the last time iCloud3 ran was 22 hours ago! Below is a screen shot of the IC3 event log:

Any other info I can supply?

The Event Log shows that three mobile app is not being used and the phone is in a zone with an in Zone interval of 2hrs. iCloud3 will not detect that you have left the zone until the next location, which could be 2 hrs from now because there is nothing triggering a zone exit. Normally the Mobile App does this. If you are not using the Mobile App, the inzone interval should be 10 or 15 minutes.

See a discussion about this in the iCloud3 docs here

Hmmm. A little confused.

I thought that the integration on my HA server interrogated iCloud directly, so the fact the companion (mobile) app wasn’t even in the picture - it was purely an Apple-affair. (Regardles, the HA Compaion App should be automatically running in the background anyway, but I will double-check that.)

The two-hour thing is also a bit confusing. I’m assuming this isn’t an Apple setting, so I need to do some detective work to find out where this mystical two-hours is enabled, and possibly reduce it to 10-15 minutes.

iCloud3 controls when the Apple account asked for location information. The iC3 setting control that. Click the gear icon on the Event Log or go to Devices & Settings > Integrations > iCloud3 > Configure.

iC3 does not get zone enter/exits until the location is requested. So if you leave a zone, iC3 does not know you left until the next location request. Which might be in 2-hours. The HA Mobile App runs on the phone so it knows when a zone enter/exit happens, sends an update to HA which is monitored by iCloud3. The Mobile App is a data source.

The iC3 docs go through all of this and explain how everything works together. Cloci the ‘?’ icon on the Event Log to go directly to the docs.

:+1: Got it. Thanks.

Somehow I have two versions of this app installed. The development version

and the release version -

Both are currently v3.0.5.2.

The log shows me as running -

Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 7.40.05 AM

Is it safe to remove the development version without losing everything?

You really only have one version installed. The first 2 messages are coming from HACS, not from iCloud3 or HA. HACS is monitoring the development repo and the production repo. Which is fine. I update the Development repo first and then update the other a week or so later.

Just leave it like it is and don’t do anything. But, If you remove iCloud3, your config is not removed so a reinstall works fine.

I am getting emails from Apple :

Your Apple ID *** was used to sign in to iCloud via a web browser. Date and Time: July 4, 2024, 5:29 AM PDT
If the information above looks familiar, you can ignore this message. If you have not signed in to iCloud recently and believe someone may have accessed your account, go to Apple ID (https://appleid.apple.com) and change your password as soon as possible. Apple Support Your Apple ID ([email protected]) was used to sign in to iCloud via a web browser. Date and Time: July 4, 2024, 5:29 AM PDT
If the information above looks familiar, you can ignore this message. If you have not signed in to iCloud recently and believe someone may have accessed your account, go to Apple ID (https://appleid.apple.com) and change your password as soon as possible. Apple Support

Since it provides no location information it isn’t very helpful. As I go through the process of trying to figure out where this is coming from I thought I would ask if this integration could be generating these messages? Thanks.

Just installed 2024.7.2 and it seems to block iclod3 from loading. I get errors in the log:

2024-07-10 15:20:45.743 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] Version of custom integration 'icloud3' prevents recorder from working and was blocked from loading, please create a bug report at https://github.com/gcobb321/icloud3_v3/issues
2024-07-10 15:20:47.304 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for 'icloud3': Integration not found.

Is there any fix on the way? Should I revert to 2024.7.1, as I relay on this integration quite heavily?


Have same issue. Maybe because of this fix:

Direct Users to App-Specific Passwords for iCloud integration to prevent MFA spam:

@mirekmal @poudenes
See the post here for info on the 2024.7.2 breaking iCloud3

1 Like

iCloud3 inserts special code into the HA recorder that automatically excludes some text based iCloud3 sensors from the HA log database. HA release 3024.7 broke this and 2024.7.2 prevented iCloud3 from loading if it tried to do this injection.

I am in Switzerland and cannot release an update to iCloud3 to fix this error. However, I have updated the code in GitHub.

  1. Download the support/recorder_prefilter.py file in the iCloud3 GitHub repository here and save it to the icloud3/support directory. (Look for ‘Raw’ in the menu bar above the code on the right. The Download icon is the 2nd icon to the right)
  2. Restart HA.

The Event Log also adds a large item into the log and will generate a warning message in the Error Log. To stop the warning message and exclude this sensor from being added, add the following to the configuration.yaml file. It adds a manual exclude for sensor.

      - sensor.icloud3_event_log

Thanks for the quick reaction!

However I have exchanged the file (uploaded via file editor add-on to the folder and it overwrote the existing file) and restarted, but the ingetration does still not load. Log:


iCloud3 inserts special code into the HA recorder that automatically excludes some text based iCloud3 sensors from the HA log database. HA release 3024.7 broke this and 2024.7.2 prevented iCloud3 from loading if it tried to do this injection.

I am in Switzerland and cannot release an update to iCloud3 to fix this error. However, I have updated the code in GitHub.

  1. Download the support/recorder_prefilter.py file in the iCloud3 GitHub repository here and save it to the icloud3/support directory. (Look for ‘Raw’ in the menu bar above the code on the right. The Download icon is the 2nd icon to the right)
  2. Edit the icloud3/manifest.json file. Change the version value from “” to “”. Then restart HA.
  3. Restart HA.

The Event Log also adds a large item into the log and will generate a warning message in the Error Log. To stop the warning message and exclude this sensor from being added, add the following to the configuration.yaml file. It adds a manual exclude for sensor.

      - sensor.icloud3_event_log

I’m seeing the same, unfortunately.

@spry-salt @flobidan
Edit the icloud3/manifest.json file. Change the version value from “” to “”. Then restart HA.


Thanks Gary, that did the trick!

Will iCloud3 use the App specific password?

Thanks gcobb321, everything seems to work again

Hm, after increasing the version number it does still not work for me (but it does for others as I see :thinking:), while there is now an additional error entry in the log:

I have just tried it again, uploaded the updated file
adjusted the version number
and restarted, but icloud3 does not start anymore with the entries given above in the log.
Any clue what is still wrong for me?