Icon color besed on sensor value in Lovelace UI

For my binary sensors it was prestty staright forward to turn them red when warning in lovelace like this:

  • entity: binary_sensor.v90_bulbs
    ‘–iron-icon-height’: 25px
    ‘–iron-icon-width’: 25px
    ‘–paper-item-icon-active-color’: red
    left: 31%
    top: 63%
    type: state-icon

However I have a few (value) sensors aswell like:

  • entity: sensor.v90_fuel_amount
    ‘–iron-icon-height’: 25px
    ‘–iron-icon-width’: 25px
    left: 40%
    top: 63%
    type: state-icon

where I would like to change color of the icon when the fuel level is below for instance 15(%)…
is there any variant of " ‘–paper-item-icon-active-color’: red" ?