Icon colour consistency for glance card

I have a glances card which shows the security status of a set of my monitored entities. The problem I’m having is that it’s a little inconsistent as to what colours mean what, and thus less than intuitive to see the status at a glance.

E.g. in a partially secured state (everything apart from the car is unlocked) it looks like this:


…and in a secured state, it looks like this:


What options do I have to try and get this lot a little more consistent? I don’t really mind about the colours themselves, but more that they always mean the same thing!

You can change all of the colours using themes: Home Assistant Frontend - Home Assistant

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

@tom_l Thanks, this is great and I’ve made some progress here.

One question - one of my entities is a template switch, where the theming would need be applied using state-switch-on-color - is there any way to make this less generic, so that it won’t affect every single other switch in the UI? I can’t see any obvious way to do it, e.g. by applying some sort of device class to the template switch definition.

Only by using card-mod.

Thanks, I’ll take a look.