Icon not updating in Lovelace UI?

I chose the mdi:biohazard icon in the Customize area, if I open the entity it looks fine, but the entities card in Lovelace won’t show it in the list, it shows the previous icon…could this be a bug or am I missing something?

I updated several entity icons and they all showed in the card as well, only this one is not getting updated, so I don’t think it’s a cookie/cache thing.

Have you restarted home assistant since making the icon change?

Yep, and as you can see in the underlined areas of the screenshot, it’s very peculiar…two identical switches, one shows up fine in the UI, the other is fine when I see the entity, but not in the Lovelace card:

This was almost 4 years ago, but I’m encountering the same issue. Does anyone know of a solution?

Well, nowadays there’s no more icon in the switch popup, so are you saying it’s the icon in the card that doesn’t show up correctly? I don’t remember what happened 4 years ago with this, but it’s possible that I had yaml code in the Lovelace card that was declaring the entity type, so make sure you have the same setting (or no setting hardcoded in yaml).