Icon Question

Appdaemen 3 on hassio:

I am wondering how to get mdi or fa icons that have a hyphen in the name to work? For example:

icon_on: fa-circle

works fine

icon_off: fa-circle-notch

does not. It just leaves a blank on the widget like it can’t fetch the icon.

I’ve tried:

icon_off: fa-"circle-notch"

but still no dice. I have also tried the code for the icon : f1ce

How do i use the icons that have a hyphen in their name? Thank you in advance!

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I’m not sure HA supports Font Awesome icons, but if it does I’d bet the format is the same as material design icons which is mdi:icon-name-here. Have you tried fa:circle-notch?

Is it not:



Edit - Sorry, just realised @ikonixx beat me to it.

@ikonixx @nickchamberlin @anon43302295

@czoog is asking about icons in HAdashboard, not in HA.
ha dashboard does support font awsome icons.
and also icons that have a - in it should appear normally.
but FA and MDI sometimes put in new ones and they just appear when its updated in appdaemon.
so your first try icon_off: fa-circle-notch was right, but its probably an icon thats to new

To add to that - I am updating to the latest MDI icons in the next beta. The latest FA icons however are a large upgrade - not for me, but for you, the users, as they introduced many breaking changes, i.e. renamed a lot of icons. I can go ahead and make the upgrade but a lot of folks will have to go back and revisit their dashboards so I’m not keen on doing that with everything else that is changing in the beta.

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@ReneTode Thanks, just wanted to make sure i was not going crazy!

@aimc Thanks for update, i’ll try to stick to mdi icons then. Thanks!