kinda like the floor/ceiling from yesterday
Haha! Exactly.
Anyway, it was an opportunity to satisfy my morning fix for solving a puzzle … even though it didn’t really need any ‘solving’!
edit: never mind, figured it out.
I’ve replaced the template for one of my sensors with @petro suggestion and will see which ones works out the best.
The race is on!
I share my template for a battery sensor:
friendly_name: 'Battery XYZ'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.XYZ','battery_level') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
icon_template: >-
{% if states('sensor.battery_XYZ')|int >= 10 %}
{{ 'mdi:battery-' ~ (states('sensor.battery_XYZ')|float / 10)|int ~ '0' }}
{% else %}
{{ 'mdi:battery-off-outline' }}
{% endif %}
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