Icons disappeared [SOLVED]


Being struck by a bug that appeared in 0.40.1 (https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/6728) I first downgraded to 0.40.0 and then re-upgraded to 0.40.1 and forced the installation of aiohttp 1.3.3 in the deps folder: pip install --upgrade aiohttp==1.3.3 -t homeassistant/deps/

My issue is that now all my icons have disappeared when they were showing correctly before

Any idea why this could have happened?
There is no specific error in home-assistant.log but If I look at the developer tools in chrome the following message appears:

Failed to load resource: https://<myserver>/static/mdi-65413cdf82f822bd6480e577852f0292.html net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED


Closing the thread.
Everything got back as normal after the upgrade to 0.40.2.