Icons not updating

Hi All
I am running Appdaemon on docker using the following image acockburn/appdaemon:latest and seem to be having issues with getting icons to either change style or change to different icon
I have tried using the binary sensor widget but still doesnt change
Below is the code i am using

title: Family Room Door Sensor
widget_type: binary_sensor
entity: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d00019f6314
state_text: 1
icon_off: mdi-door
icon_on: mdi-security-home
icon_style_active: “color: #F71504;”
icon_style_inactive: “color: #c1c9c1;”
“on”: Open
“off”: Closed

But the icon never changes depending on the state change

What am i doing wrong?

Hi, I had the same problem yesterday, looks like a bug in version 3.0.0b4, if you downdrade to 3.0.0b3 everything should be working again :slight_smile:

 pip3 install --upgrade appdaemon==3.0.0b3

did you tell @aimc about that?

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Now that you did Rene, it will be fixed in the next version :slight_smile:


Hi Guys

Thanks for the quick response and turnaround, i updated to latest docker image and can confirm my issue is resolved

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Hi I know this post is old . I got the same issue with a binary sensor. Can somebody point some solution?

  widget_type: binary_sensor
  title: Garage Door
  widget_style: "background-color: #446A8F"
  state_text: 1
      "not_home": CLOSED
      "home": OPEN
  entity: device_tracker.shellydw2_a4cf12f4309d_2
  icon_on: mdi-garage-open
  icon_off: mdi-garage
  icon_style_inactive: "color: #F81704 ;top: 40%" 
  icon_style_active: "color: #FFFF00 ;top: 40%"

Thanks in advance

entity: device_tracker. shellydw2_a4cf12f4309d_2

you use the device tracker entity.
that wont change to closed or open, when you open or close the door.

the devicetracker tells you if the shelly is online or not.

so you need to use a different entity.

Thanks for input. Now it works

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