September 16, 2022, 12:22pm
I have an issue with one of my dashboards, that icons do not show when I first visit the dash but then only reappear after navigating away then back!
This happens on all devices, phone, tablet and computer using home assistant app or web browser.
The cards all function as they should icons or no icons but becoming very irritating, especially as this is my wife’s dashboard
Any ideas or possible solutions much appreciated.
(Ryan Williamson)
September 16, 2022, 3:54pm
Maybe try stopping the app and clearing the cache on the devices, and doing the same for the web browsers.
Have you rebooted the HA server?
Is there anything in the logs when you try to go to that dashboard?
Open a 2nd window and watch the log while you click.
Is it just that one dashboard, or all of them?
September 18, 2022, 10:22pm
Hi Ryan, thanks for responding, I did reboot the HA server, no change and it only relates to one dashboard. Tried looking at logs and nothing seems to register ie no errors.
Ill try clearing the cache on all devices and browsers and report back.
Ryan, just a quick note sorry for the delay, icons working as they should, thanks for the heads up