Icons resetting

Bit of an odd one, but on a fresh install of Hassio, I use a custom icon (mid:power-plug) for a switch and it all looks fine in Lovelace for about 5 mins. Then is reverts back to the old icon. Same with entity pictures.

The customisations are still there in the customise.yaml

Anyone run into this issue before?

Have you tried clearing your web browser cache?

Yeah. It’s happening across multiple devices though. When I edit through the customisations tab if gives me the warning -

It seems that your configuration.yaml doesn’t properly include customize.yaml
Changes made here won’t affect your configuration.

But in my old install it gave me that error all the time but it still worked.

Make sure configuration.yaml has this:

  customize: !include customize.yaml

A fresh install won’t have this by default and you need to add it.

Thanks David. I had the include customize.yaml but had forgotten the homeassistant: bit. Thanks mate

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