ICS custom component to read online stored calendars

Thank you.
i have insert at my configurations.

what i have to install that “notify.pb” works?` also notify me in the home assistant iOs app? or only in lovelace?

Notify pb and pb_c are my notification services (in my case Pushbullet) … you have to replace that with whatever service you want to use for notification

Hey Hauke, can you tell me how you got the “Nächste Abholung” row in your card?

@JKW Thank you for the great intergration, made a real useful tool in our lovelace :-). Is there an easy way to translate the weekdays in another language?

Hi, not really … as this is done in the backend and that will only provide English output.
I guess the easiest would be to add a template sensor like this …

string|regex_replace(find=‘Monday’, replace=‘Montag’, ignorecase=False)|regex_replace(find=‘Tuesday’, replace=‘Dienstag’, ignorecase=False) …

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Thank you for. your answer, as I’m really a noob on coding, would you help me?

This template sensor, you’re speaking from should be written like this?

#Wochentage ICS
          friendly_name: "Wochentag"
          value_template: >-
            {{ string|regex_replace(find=‘Monday’, replace=‘Montag’, ignorecase=False)|regex_replace(find=‘Tuesday’, replace=‘Dienstag’, ignorecase=False)}}

Replace the “string” with your sensor state, e.g.:

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hi, is that the only way, for switch the EN Day-Name in GER Day-Name?
Thursday, 07.01. (05) => Donnerstag, 07.01. (05)

here my sensor ics file:

- platform: ics
  name: Restmülltonne
  url: https://www.eaw-rheingau-taunus.de/abfallkalender/calendar.ics?streetid=1136
  #startswith: Restmülltonne
  contains: "Restmülltonne"
  id: 1
  timeformat: "%A, %d.%m."
  show_remaining: true
  show_ongoing: true
  description_in_state: false
  icon: "mdi:trash-can-outline"

# Wochentage ICS
- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Wochentag"
      value_template: >-
        {{ states.sensor.ics_1|regex_replace(find='Monday', replace='Montag', ignorecase=False)|regex_replace(find='Tuesday', replace='Dienstag', ignorecase=False)|regex_replace(find='Thursday', replace='Donnerstag', ignorecase=False)}}

how it works fine ? :slight_smile:

@JKW Really a great component. Thanks a lot for that.
As I have read in your documentation there should be a way using config flow instead of manually add the sensors to the configuration.yaml? Or did I understand something wrong? I searched a lot about config flow but could only find out that this is some kind of technical possibility to integrate a component…

Sorry I am not familiar to coding…


Thx, once you installed it you can go to configuration - integrations - add integration - search for ics … Configure … done

Thanks - and sorry for the newbi question…works like a charm :smile:
Do you plan to integrate authentication?


Hi, No, but I’d be happy if you implement it and send a pull request

@Schimmelreiter please tell us how to make “nächste abholung” possible :slight_smile:


For “contains” and “startswith”, is there an option to search for multiple terms?

Sorry but no

Sorry for not noticing that - too busy at work and thus for this Mega-Delay:

I just made a sensor… not very beautiful, but it does the job:

- platform: template
      icon_template: mdi:truck  
      friendly_name_template: >
            {% set r1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'remaining') %}
            {% set n1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'friendly_name') %}
            {% set r2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'remaining') %}
            {% set n2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'friendly_name') %}
            {% set r3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'remaining') %}
            {% set n3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'friendly_name') %}
            {% set r4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'remaining') %}
            {% set n4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'friendly_name') %}
            {% set min = (r1, r2, r3, r4) | min %}
            {% set remainings = (r1, r2, r3, r4) %}
            {% set types = (n1, n2, n3, n4) %}

            {%- for r in remainings -%}
              {%- if (r == min) -%}
                {{ types[loop.index0]}}
                {%- if not loop.last %}/ {% endif -%}
              {% endif -%}
            {% endfor %}
      value_template: >-
          {% set r1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set min = (r1, r2, r3, r4) | min %}

          {% if min == 0 %} Heute {% endif %}
          {% if min == 1 %} Morgen {% endif %}
          {%- if min > 1 %} in {{min}} Tagen {% endif -%}

        type: >-
          {% set r1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set r4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'remaining') %}
          {% set n4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'friendly_name') %}
          {% set min = (r1, r2, r3, r4) | min %}
          {% set remainings = (r1, r2, r3, r4) %}
          {% set types = (n1, n2, n3, n4) %}

          {% for r in remainings %}
            {% if (r == min) %}
              {{ types[loop.index0]}}
              {%- if not loop.last %}/ {% endif -%}
            {% endif -%}
          {% endfor %}
        days: >-
          {% set r1 = state_attr('sensor.ics_1', 'remaining') %}
          {% set r2 = state_attr('sensor.ics_2', 'remaining') %}
          {% set r3 = state_attr('sensor.ics_3', 'remaining') %}
          {% set r4 = state_attr('sensor.ics_4', 'remaining') %}
          {% set min = (r1, r2, r3, r4) | min %}


Hope it helps…


Hi There
could anybode let me know how to integrate a local stored calender into ICS. It’s stored on my SDD (use HA on a PI4), so how to address the local folder? I have tried several options as described, but no success. Even not with the external link stored/showed in the description. Thank you for any help.
On an external link I get: “The downloaded file can not be parsed, not a valid ICS file.”
Any help??


Thank you for the Template. I modified a little the friendly_name_template and replaced the for loop (to be able to remove the last slash):

{%- set types_joined -%}
  {%- set pipe = joiner(' / ') -%}
  {%- for r in remainings if (r == min) -%}
    {{ pipe() }}{{ types[loop.index0] }}
  {%- endfor -%}
{%- endset -%}
{{ types_joined }}

(inspired by home-assistant/core#Missing jinja extension: Expression statement)

will be this integration updated or can i remove it in future core updates?

Hopefully it’s gonna be fixed, I use it every day!

No worries

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