iCsee Camera config

Thought I would share my configuration for the ICsee R80X50-PQ as there was very little info online and it took some trial and error to get going.
You will need to install the iCsee app and get it setup with the router and password first.

-   platform: generic
    name: iCsee
    still_image_url: "http://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>/webcapture.jpg?user=admin&password=<PASSWORD>&command=snap&channel=1"
    stream_source: "rtsp://<CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS>:554/user=admin&password=<PASSWORD>&channel=2&stream=0.sdp?real_stream"

Hi @Kenneth_Dixon, did you figure out how to control PTZ for this camera?

Hi @azel_inc, sorry no I never tried.

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can be added using standard integration onviw and also manage PTZ

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I have tried with nvif integration but the PTZ is not working. Did you do anything more than adding the camera to the onvif integration?

Did not do anything. set up a card for this. in developer tools there is a service for checking ptz. I set up played with the camera then deleted

PTZ control for ICSee cams fresh out of the oven :slight_smile:


somebody have sound in home assistant ?

Yes, I do have perfect sound. Try using a dvrip stream in go2rtc and then passing it through ffmpeg with #async (see example in the icsee-ptz repository)

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Yes go2rtc give me sound…

After added the custom repo, got error message:

Can you help me, why i got this message? and how can install this repo?

Update: with manual copy working

Yes, there’s something wrong with the link and I can’t figure it out.
If anyone does, please let me know here Issue add repo to hacs · Issue #18 · dbuezas/icsee-ptz · GitHub