I’d like to add a few of my lovelace ui panels in my dashing/smashing dashboard
Hi all, I have a separate dashboard setup using smashing, and I can easily add urls to it and whatnot.
I have a few panels in my home assistant install that I would like to show within it.
dashing allows me to easily add urls like:
but I really want it to look seamless within the dashboard as these will be put into
boxes or panels within the dashboard.
I’ve made some headway by adding a default user with a hidden sidebar
to the trusted_networks as to avoid the logins and whatnot.
- type: trusted_networks
allow_bypass_login: true
trusted_users: 38a5a1e55fa62a92372f4f
- type: homeassistant
and I am starting to play with ‘Custom Header’ to get rid of some
of the screen clutter (but that requires me to first install hacs)
I just wanted to make sure I am going the right way with this.
that there isn’t some sort of like
type of parameter I am missing or something.
thanks for any pointers!
– Home Assistant 0.112.4, HassOS image 4.11, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2gb