Id: question

I have been using substitutions in my device YAML files like this:

  device_name: kim_desklight

  name: ${device_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m
  - platform: gpio
    name: ${device_name}
      number: 12
      mode: output
    id: ${device_name}_relay
  - platform: gpio
    name: ${device_name} led"
      number: 13
      mode: output

This makes it really easy to duplicate the YAML file for new devices on the same hardware with only a single change in substitutions:

However, when I use the substitution on the id: line, I get an error:

    id: ${device_name}_relay

“Dashes are not supported in IDs, please use underscore”.
But underscores are discouraged in the name:.

So, here’s my question.
Is the id: only used at compile time? Would I be better using a simple string, like “relay12”? Is the ID local? Does it matter if I use the same ID: on multiple device YAML files?

Local only. Configuration Types — ESPHome

Thanks, that’s what I thought.