I am pretty new in python and I want to develop/debug a new component. I would like to know how you guys debug your components? Is it possible to use an IDE to fully start home-assistant and go step by step in the selected component? I tried to start the home-assistant solution with Visual Studio (python) but it was not a success. Maybe I am missing something or it is just not possible.
Another vote for PyCharm - I just made the switch from Notepad++ and I haven;t looked back. For AppDaemon development I can use the built in debugger to single step, set watches etc. which is useful on occasion although I am not above using print statements for my quick debugging
I haven’t used PyCharm to set up and Run HASS for debugging but I would expect it to work fine.
Currently using pycharm to browse code. Besides Visual Studio Code I think also Visual Studio Community 2015 has python extension that can be added, the 2017 community version did not have support for python last time I checked.