Ideal boiler with halo thermostat controller on home assistant

Hi all,

I’m looking to change my boiler and have got it down to an ideal boiler with an integrated halo thermostat which can be operated from my phone.

My question, has anyone integrated this to home assistant? Or should I just get a hive thermostat installed so I can control it via home assistant?

Thank you for your help and time.

Kind regards


Hi Rdoull,

I have just had an Ideal Vogue boiler installed in my home complete with the Halo Thermostat. I can see from the controller that it is a Zigbee device so I’m currently looking for a way to set this up on my Home Assistant myself

That’s great, I would love to hear how you get on, If you dont mind that is.

Hey @iptsoe, were you able to get the Halo into HA? I have the system too, interested to know what you’ve tried / whether it was possible?

I too have an Ideal boiler with Zigbee & Wifi and I’d love to know what kind of roadblocks you encountered and whether you were able to get it into HA.

Did anybody get anywhere with this, even if it’s figuring out that it’s not possible?

I don’t suppose anyone made progress with this? We just had an ideal boiler/halo stat installed too