Ideas for a Personal Doomsday Device?

What’s your best idea for a personal doomsday device?

Meaning if you die, it should trigger some online service. That online service has an integration with home assistant. You have automations set up to then trigger computers to erase their hard drives, all devices to factory reset, all blackmails to be sent out to the appropriate parties, all future proof election ballots filled in and waiting for delivery.

Asking for a friend =)


Deadman counter that must be reset every 24 hours. I just have to be really careful with the thermite tamper switches when I take the cases off my servers.

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I hadn’t thought about this for HA, but I have been thinking about how to get my wife Global Admin access to our M365 tenant (we are both MVPs so get free licenses).
Was thinking of basically a weekly check-in workflow, but it’s a little morbid to be asked every week if you’re alive.

Now that you’ve said it, I’ll need to think of something for HA so my family can continue to operate the house. :slight_smile:

I have a computer that I need to type a code every 108 minutes. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.


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lol nice reference there.
I wonder how long until people don’t remember it.

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remember what? :wink:

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